Why do you grow?


because i had no money or weed; got to thinking, money doesnt grow on trees, but guess what does....


Well-Known Member
i was interested in other plants before then decided to try my hand at this also becuase i to this day have never paid 1 cent for weed and intend on keeping it that way.


Well-Known Member
I grow because...

- I love growing plants in general.
- Cannabis is a particularly beautiful plant in my opinion.
- The whole process is intriguing and rewarding.
- I very much enjoy the quality of weed thats grown/dried/cured properly.
- Hopefully when I get my operation perfected, I can completely rely on my grow for smoke and not need to call the weed lady anymore.
- I have no plans to sell. I'm not in it for that. I just love doing it. Its one of my hobbies.

couldn't have said it better myself. except i would like to add...

i would like to ensure the purity of me smoke.


Well-Known Member
dude like 4 months ago i call my last resort connect( no one had it), im like you can 10g for 50? hes like yea, im waiting on my ride gimme an hour. i call him like an hour n a 1/2 later, same shit. this bull shit go on for no lie 6 fucking hours. so finaly we meet up, this guy tries to give me like 4 maybe 5 grams. im like fuck that. my normal dude gives me a 1/4 for 35 bucks.
the worst part is its my good friends cousin, i use to buy off him every day.
its all good tho. i havent bought bud off him since then
That's what I'm talking about.

I would never sell my bud, but if I did, I wouldn't lie about having it if I didn't because I've been there and I know what it's like trying to find someone with weed and then being dissapointed when someone lies about having it.


Well-Known Member
i grow because:
-its my passion
-i love weed and everything about it and its culture
-i believe im doing my part to keep the bud alive
-i love the unique and awesome buzzes i get from my own home grown
-i was born to
-im good at it


Well-Known Member
I grow as a means of civil disobedience. I agree with Socrates and MLK in that I believe it is my moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

I grow because I grew sick and tired of doing business with scumbag dealers. More than once a dealer showed up at my house expecting me to share with him not long after I made a large purchase from him. I paid those those guys in full, yet they appeared at my door because they knew I had it.

I grow because I do not wish to make criminals rich. Cartels which have turned Northern Mexico and the Mexican border into an open war zone. Cartels that turn our National Parks and National Forests into environmental toxic waste sites using DDT and other banned chemicals to support illegal farm sites. Sites protected by armed thugs who threaten hikers, tourists, and campers who happen upon them. After harvest, they leave tons of garbage for the taxpayers to clean up.

I grow because cannabis is a fucking plant, and I am a gardener at heart. And growing is fun!


Well-Known Member
i grow for a couple reasons...
1. its expensive and i cant really afford it
2. i can grow way better quality than whats on the street
3. i can choose which strains to grow...im a med smoked and need high quality bud
4. i dont have to worry. i know how it was grown, what went into the plants as far as nutes and stuff...and i know all the details. im a weed snob. i wanna know everything about it...what strain, who grew it, soil or hydro, indoor/outdoor, all that...
5. its so fun! i love going to the room everyday and seeing the new growth...i get all giggly when i see new leaves...lol
6. fuck the government and the police. i'll do what i want when i want thank you! lol
7. its just really rewarding...to see all your hard work pay off...


I grow as a means of civil disobedience. I agree with Socrates and MLK in that I believe it is my moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

I grow because I grew sick and tired of doing business with scumbag dealers. More than once a dealer showed up at my house expecting me to share with him not long after I made a large purchase from him. I paid those those guys in full, yet they appeared at my door because they knew I had it.

I grow because I do not wish to make criminals rich. Cartels which have turned Northern Mexico and the Mexican border into an open war zone. Cartels that turn our National Parks and National Forests into environmental toxic waste sites using DDT and other banned chemicals to support illegal farm sites. Sites protected by armed thugs who threaten hikers, tourists, and campers who happen upon them. After harvest, they leave tons of garbage for the taxpayers to clean up.

I grow because cannabis is fucking plant, and I am a gardener at heart. And growing is fun!

as is the norm, i couldnt agree with you more johhny:clap:... i just didnt want to put any thought into my reason at the time of my post; so i went for slightly humorous...:mrgreen: i know, im a lazy ass; my wife tells me all the time:roll: