Why do you grow ?


thats right mother fuckers, an Emerson double entendre, beat that shit!
Grown for different reasons over the years. Outdoor for about 25 years for cash crops, kept me in personal + paid the bills and toys. Last 5 years slowed to down to just a few outdoor and last spring went indoor as the outdoor guerrilla grows were getting a bit too risky and too much work as I got older. Now I'm indoor, and mainly using it for myself, family, and close friends for meds, mostly for fellow cancer patients, those who can afford it pay, those who can't get it pro-bono. Made enough money off it for years, time to pay it forward. It's one of many hobbies now, definitely one of my favourites :)
my hobby
Personally been smoking since most on here were shitting yellow. A few years back I stumbled onto a friends grow because I was the only person in the world his dog did not bark at. This planted the idea. The catalyst was my wife's Dr. suggesting it to her because she has pain issues but is allergic to most every ncid and narcotic. She also slept horribly even with ambian. It has helped her pain when she is awake and it allowed her almost immediately get off the ambian and is sleeping better now than she had in years. She also is a new smoker so her being giggly is kinda cute.
Hate to say it but i started when I was around 20 strictly for the money side of things. Me and most of the friends I had at the time sold with me already. I only sold to support myself, rent food etc while I continued to go to school. I was given the opportunity to buy a shit load of equipment from a buddies cousin. If you click on my "1st grow" link below, my first post is a list of all the equipment, everything highlighted in red in that list i got from this guy... all for a half oz of some bc purple kush I was selling at the time (and yes it was the real deal purple kush, not some bomb kush that got a lil too cold at night so it turned purple).

Anyways that is the reason why I started. Why do I grow now you ask? It is the one thing that truly makes me deeply happy. Im only 25 now but I feel I have lost so much imagination and creativity over these past few years trying to grow up that I don't enjoy myself anymore. I don't have any hobbies or things that keep my mind going in a sense of creativity, so this is my jam right here lol. Now if only I didnt feel so guilty about my hobby because of the government lol. I grow because it makes me feel like I actually have something that EYE want to do, not a constant circle of what is my next move to get ahead in society. Plus of course I get to smoke some bomb weed for free where it was grown to my knowledge haha. It also helps with my anxiety disorder, chronic depression, and ADHD which I should have a medical card for but I don't see any point at this time if the Canadian government isn't letting us grow but will allow us to use, but only their weed aha, no thanks I'll stick to my little personal grow or grabbing from my dealer. I'll gladly take the risk. I figure long as I grow under 6 plants then they can't give me a mandatory minimum. I have considered getting my card just in case I ever did get busted for growing just to help me in court but... meh.

When I first started I was like "wow, ok.. I want this to be my career" and now that I'm back at it, i feel that true love and passion again for growing. The problem here is.. I have not educated myself with the current situation of our laws and whats exactly all going on. My understanding is that the Canadian government right now is waiting to give the conclusion on their next steps and that they are not approving any new growers, that care givers have been cut out already all together.. etc etc. but they will still hand out cards for use. This is all of course because they want to control it, now that they see a profit. I hope things work out. I hope they consider how well things are going in the states (for the most part) with the way they have done things. Anyways where I was going with this paragraph was I DO STILL WANT THIS AS A CAREER!!! My understanding is there are companies that have contracts with the government, they have heavy rules like not being able to use extra plant matter to make extra forms of medicine like hash/shatter/etc. but they DO grow commercially for the government. Quick little youtube videos I have seen that my friend has shown me show guys around my age just running around trimming or checking things off on their clip board etc. etc. MAN CAN YOU IMAGINE!!! I would be in HEAVEN doing that all day.

My problem here is I don't know any of these companies names that do this and apparently there are A LOT. Anyone know of a few? I want to get in touch with them to see what steps I need to take to get into a place like that. I'm willing to go back to school for what ever is needed.

Think I'm done blabbing aha, Cheers guys!!
I'm on my very first grow, so my answer may change over time, but I started growing in order to save money... It will take a little while to break even, I went a little overboard with equipment and startup costs and probably have much more 'capacity' than I really need, but I'm OK with it - I look at it like getting into a new hobby, so I don't mind investing in some equipment and it's nice to know I'll be able to expand my production if I want to without much further investment.... but ultimately I'm pretty sure I will end up "ahead of the game". I spend a lot of money buying ounces from the dispensaries... a lot. :)
I primarily grow cause I like the product. I use it recreationally and got into growing after my 'person' got out of the 'business'. I have found that I really enjoy it and it pisses me off when I make a mistake and want to learn, learn, learn and get better with each grow. This site has helped a bunch.
Ive grown off & on over 30 yrs & when i 1st started growing in the 70's my motives were purely profit,after getting busted & being one of the 1st cases prosecuted under Michigans forfiture laws & loosing everything i owned & doing a couple yrs in prison i stopped growing for about 10 yrs.

After getting out i swore i'd never grow again then the bad news came,my wife was diagnosed with a severe form of Multiple Scleurosis & MJ worked better for the tremors she suffers than any other prescription drug,at the same time street prices went from a nickle bag ( 1/8th ) selling for $5 up to $25 for the same 3.5 grams overnight,its impossible to go from 5 bucks to 25 bucks without being pissed off.

Since the prices exploded i decided to chance growing again only this time on a small scale only for my wife,i grew only for her for about 15 yrs until some people in her MS support group needed a supply of quality MJ & couldnt afford street prices so i took on about 20 patients back in the 1990's & bought a abandoned commercial bldg from the city under my wifes name so all my assets wouldnt be connected to the grow,i grew undercover like this until Michigan adopted a med mj law,at that time i hired an expensive law firm & petitioned the governor for a pardon of my felony manufacturing a controled substance conviction so i could grow meds for my wife,after submitting all her medical records to my amazement the governor pardoned my drug conviction so i could legally grow mj.

After getting legal i took on my 5 patients & my wife took on her 5 patients & we grew for 10 patients who each supplied a few other MS & cancer patients,we did this for about a yr when i was approached to invest in setting up a co-op by a few members of the MS support group my wife belongs too,i invested enough where i had a 50% ownership of the business & we acted as a non profit & were certified as a non profit for 2 yrs.

We paid employees $16 to $25 an hour to disperse profit & gave away about 40% of our total harvests to stage 4 patients & RRMS patients,i took a salary of $58,000 a yr as did my 2 partners who took salaries of $30,000 each,i thought everything was working out perfect,the 5 employees all made a living that could support a family & we were helping alot of sick people but my partners got greedy.

They were selling pounds out the back door & not logging in the sale,they ran every scam they could including cooking the books where the business was showing a loss & we had to cut employee wages in half.

My manager was handeling the sale of several lbs a week & getting paid $25 an hour for her efforts & honesty but my greedy partners cut her pay to $10 an hour & the other 4 employees to $8 an hour,they all complained to me & i constantly fought with the partners till it started being too stressfull for me.

At that point i told my partners they must buy me out or i would disolve the co-op & if they fought me i'd bring in the IRS to examine the books,rather than be busted they bought me out with a stipulation,i allowed them to buy back my percentage at exactly what i invested but they had to exchange 10% ownership to my manager so she could support her family,they agreed & i was out of the business.

Within 30 days of me leaving the 2 remaining owners replaced the 4 bud tenders with their family members & demoted my manager to part time basis at 12 hrs a month or accept the $10 an hour for full time,i advised her to take the part time job at $25 an hour & force them into buying her 10% of the business,they tried to bully her & fuk her over & even made threats to her so i stepped back in with my lawyer & handeled her buy out,she ended up with one yrs full pay at $25 an hour for her 10% set up in 12 equal monthly payments.

Since my departure from the tax exempt business the owners dropped the non profit status & have both become millionaires at the expense of sick people,they stopped the program where we gave free meds to stage 4 cancer patients & discounted meds to patients with real diseases,they stopped delievery to home bound patients & maximized profits in every way possible & are only interested in money.

My wife still has MS & needs mj for tremors but im so burned out from the experience its hard for me to grow so ive been buying her meds,im getting ready to set up one flood table just to supply her & my sister in law,ive got a good pension & a family owned rental home business so it isnt about the $ with me like it was in the 70's & 80's.
I started growing because of a illness I came down with. Frustrating at first even though my first plant kicked butt. Lucky, yes but growing hydro is so much easier for me. Over the last year I've had good plants great plants. I've been able to help 6 people with my condition. They throw away their oxys. Can't say I've made any money because I pay for hybrid seeds. But I enjoy helping my friend and myself. Plus it's turned into a hubby for me gives me something to do that I enjoy.
My wife still has MS & needs mj for tremors but im so burned out from the experience its hard for me to grow so ive been buying her meds,im getting ready to set up one flood table just to supply her & my sister in law,ive got a good pension & a family owned rental home business so it isnt about the $ with me like it was in the 70's & 80's.

...There ya go brother. Back to the beginning and keep it there. A few plants enough to keep the Mrs in meds and leave it at that and you'll be a happier man. Stress kills man and its never worth it.
You have a hell of a great story there. Congrats to you for all you were able to achieve before the inevitable greed set in. You seemed to have had good intentions all along, and you should be proud.
Started growing for myself like others to save money over the most recent year had a friend that became a patient but couldn't grow for him self so now I just do it to help em out, it is always fun to see what you create with hard time:weed::peace: