Why do you?


Well-Known Member
To see what you will say.
why do they make viagra is their a shortage of boners? are their women wishing guys got more erections?
why do fat people drink diet soda?


Well-Known Member
I post here to share and give and show ppl........and to.................naw I just post cause Im fucked up ass hell and they wont let me use the phone anymore due to calling ppl I dont know at 2 am and telling them about how I masterbate.


Undercover Mod
I post here to share and give and show ppl........and to.................naw I just post cause Im fucked up ass hell and they wont let me use the phone anymore due to calling ppl I dont know at 2 am and telling them about how I masterbate.
What???? lol


Active Member
why do you look like an albino from the hizballa balzac89? kidding :-P

i have a few why's - why did they cancel Firefly?
Flash Forward?
why do crazy people enjoy public transportation so much?
why are the lesbians hotter in porn movies?
why did seinfeld have to end?
why did oceanic 815 crash on the island?
why am i not going to sleep?!?! its 7am!!!


Well-Known Member
I post because I have internet and don't know what else to do with it so i'm stuck on this site