Well-Known Member
"unskewed polls" refers to a website, not the glop of garbage on it. good try though.
Automobile owners create "potential harm". Is that the standard?try telling that to the clackamas mall people that died when a legal firearm got into the wrong hands, or the two dozen murdered kindergarteners. by the way, you tried to compare "potential harm" to "cause danger". legal gun owning citizens certainly create "potential harm", we saw it in newtown.
Automobile owners create "potential harm". Is that the standard?
How many did the guy in Texas kill from a bell tower or something back in the fifties? I think he used a bolt action. 38???
I agree, we should prohibit the sale of ugly ass hipster carsand how is that? because i do not oppose the ownership of guns who's outward appearance you find distasteful? i dont care much for the styling on the scion line of automobiles, should my dislike for their hideously trendy cosmetic features be grounds to prohibit the sale of ugly ass hipster cars?
Charles Whitman.
heres the back of his rookie card:
Clock Tower Sniper
m1 .30 carbine
6 mm bolt action rifle
12 gauge sawed off semi auto shortgun
20 guage shotgunt
semi auto pistol
.357 revolver
Kills: 14
Wounded: 32
Assists: 1
Special: 1 long range abortion
Multiball!: 1 injury and one kill with a single shot
Self-Retirement: No
MVP and high score in his rookie year, 1966
What is an "assist" in "pinball?"
When I own a home, I'm getting a Bally Mata Hari.
What is an "assist" in "pinball?"
When I own a home, I'm getting a Bally Mata Hari.
ANALEXCESSGAY1 said you can't yell fire in a crowded theater because it causes potential harm.
he also said that guns do not create any potential harm.
do you agree that guns do not cause potential harm?
it is so annoying how you work your way through ages dead threads and bump subjects we were talking about days and weeks ago because you were too busy trying to cover up your latest honor killings.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater is an ACTION...
A gun is an OBJECT...
Sorry you cant figure out the difference.
twisting people's necks in a theater is an action.
a bomb is an object.
were you saying something?
Obviously not something you could comprehend.... Carry on flounder.
were you waxing poetic about how we legislate against both actions and objects?
or were you talking about your right to bring a bomb into a crowded theater?*
i mean, a shrapnel bomb in a crowded theater is just an object after all.
At this point I think you should seek professional help...
What is an "assist" in "pinball?"
When I own a home, I'm getting a Bally Mata Hari.
We all need assault weopons.
Damn, I played that pinaball machine back in the 70's at the skating ring I used to go to.....lol, way kewl.
Do you remember the original holograph game of Quick Draw, where you tried to shoot the dude when the saloon doors opened. Old school red, green and blue holograph, that shit was awesome for its time.
Yea, I am an old fart, but thanx for the flashback.
I think they had that in Disneyland in the early 80s. It had an animatronic guy with six shooter who would insult you until you paid money?
Btw, I LOVE pinball. I had an aunt with the home version of Fireball. I would play that for sometimes 8 hours straight.