Why does everyone dump their grow room questions here instead of Indoor Growing?


Well-Known Member
I tend to think of this forum as a place to discuss things that are relevant to both indoor and outdoor growers. Maybe I'm wrong?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It could be that this forum has almost twice as many threads and people expect more responses. It's probably more likely that this is just the first one the stoned people stumble across when they start at the top of the forums.


Well-Known Member
Hah, the stoner remarks make me laugh. I love that there's a portal to communities full of people like me :p.

Life's just too short to worry, eh?


Active Member
I just started here and has taken me awhile to just find some things. The search engine is very umm (not very good) and I would have to agree with mothers finest that people tend to do the first thing instead of research. I found so much info all the way down at the bottom in - support - below elite. I would almost move that to the top. And alot of people want it now damnit

Just smoke a bowl and look through all rooms before posting.


Active Member
It could be that this forum has almost twice as many threads and people expect more responses. It's probably more likely that this is just the first one the stoned people stumble across when they start at the top of the forums.
This answers your question. In case you're wondering it probably won't change.