Why does it seem like rape is becoming more common?


Well-Known Member
Massive rapes in India, to the point of women committing suicide because of social pressures, the rape of the teenage girl in Ohio where the two teenage football players were recently found guilty, and now this;


I have a tough time understanding how people like the examples in this clip, the people posting on Twitter, could defend rapists. Is this media spin? Are there actually people out there, I'm talking about grown adults in the United States, who think like this? That if a 13 year old girl decides to dress a certain way, she deserves whatever consequences that befall her? I'm sure it's got something to do with the rapists position on whatever sports team (in both cases, Ohio and this one in Connecticut, both rapists were members of the football team) they're on, which is one of the saddest things about the story imo.. I can't imagine these people supporting the rapists would feel the same way had their own 13 or 16 year old daughter been the victim. They hold fucking football above human dignity. THAT is the hardest thing to believe about this.. Not the fact that 18 year old men wouldn't understand the difference between consentual and non consentual, not that someone would take advantage of someone else in an inebriated state... that grown fucking adults with jobs, mortgages, car payments, and likely kids of their own would side with R A P E.

What the fuck, dude? This has to be the product of generations of imbred sociopaths, right?

Football... HIGH SCHOOL fucking FOOTBALL is more important than justice..

What. The. Fuck?
The sentences are not harsh enough and woman don't want to come forward because of being ridiculed by other people, it doesn't matter how you dress no means no, even a prostitute has the right to choose who she has sex with. Men who repeatedly rape along with child rapists should be castrated, if they can't control their sexual urges then those urges should be taken away from them.
i think its more commonly talked about, not more commonly done now than ever. with the expand of social media you could say why are crackers more popular now because people talk about crackers so much it seems like they are more popular than say 50 years ago but they are not its just more talked about in our society, also we now have what i call "no filter" to the point where we say and and write whatever we feel which granted should be the case with rape as it shouldnt happen but imean just in general, everything is talked about much more.

We also have almost no shame and no decency left in our society either, so, i think its not why is it more popular, but more so how social media effects the world, and how fast the world communicates on issues either hot button or random shit
Im a lil more hardcore than most but ,I dont care. I believe public Executions for monsters that rape would eventually put an end that SHIT! I say KILL THEM ALL!!!!
Have you seen that thing girls in Africa are wearing to catch the rapist.. It's like a bear trap for your lieutenant Dan ... But they wear it all the time and you need to go to a hospital to get it off
not more common, its just publicized more, women are speaking out, being heard and supported more often. with the internet we actually learn of these things more often than we could ever have in the past. india, the middle east, its not just women, children and men are also speaking out and seeking retribution for their suffering, look at how much the catholic church has had to scramble in this age, or how women who speak out in iran, saudi arabia, pakistan and others are immediately shunned or worse- simply to keep public from addressing the truth.
people have been raping one other people since... well since forever, rapists have children, there has to be a genetic predisposition to it to the point where all of us probabl come from someone who had been raped, and i don't intend to be facetious.
Rape isn't punished harshly enough. People are doing more time for getting caught in mutual combat than for raping. You can get convicted of statutory rape and be out in 9 months. Sad.
Rape isn't punished harshly enough. People are doing more time for getting caught in mutual combat than for raping. You can get convicted of statutory rape and be out in 9 months. Sad.
devil's advocate here!

i've noticed that at times some bitches(and i mean bitches, not women as a whole) actually are spiteful whores who will go to court to score a win in an argument and get someone hit with a statutory rape charge because its the only way they can imagine at getting even. now this is something i've noticed, not condoning anything but i've met at least 1-2 people who admitted to this(albeit i feel like i know a lot of fucked up women with issues).

lie detector tests would be good in case a male is actually innocent, but the jail/prison sentence is something i have no idea how to argue against as i've never been there. is being ass raped a compensation for statutory?