Why does life get so much clearer after that first toke?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was the first day I did not smoke pot in like 4 months. I had a shitty day at work and came home to more shit with my wife. We are both unhappy but too in love to end it.

I just hit the very last little bits of green dust I had left and everything just falls into place. I know I love her but I also know that neither of us are ever going to be happy this way. I am also at peace with the fact that, yes, it is going to end. There will be no kids, no dream house we always used to talk about, no country club. None of that shit.

After the first hit I can be at peace with that fact. It still hurts but I understand it and it makes me happy knowing that we won't end up some old, miserable married people who take it out on their kids.

Well, I got to get back to what I was doing, but I just thought I would share that little thought with you.


Active Member
Very deep insight.. It certainly got me thinking (damn you) lol.. I'm glad one more piece in the puzzle of life is falling into place for you.. Thank you for sharing one of your thoughts with the world. But, for me, its one more toke out o' the bong. Till the day I die ;)


We have lots of issues but A big one is weed. She hates it and doesnt like me using it.

if thats one of the big ones; then you really dont have issues... you are just an average married couple... im young, and only been married a few years.. but i can say that it is work... it doesnt just fall into place...

if you're not bangin her sister, and she's not screwin your best friend; it can probably be worked out; dont give up on it


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was the first day I did not smoke pot in like 4 months. I had a shitty day at work and came home to more shit with my wife. We are both unhappy but too in love to end it.

I just hit the very last little bits of green dust I had left and everything just falls into place. I know I love her but I also know that neither of us are ever going to be happy this way. I am also at peace with the fact that, yes, it is going to end. There will be no kids, no dream house we always used to talk about, no country club. None of that shit.

After the first hit I can be at peace with that fact. It still hurts but I understand it and it makes me happy knowing that we won't end up some old, miserable married people who take it out on their kids.

Well, I got to get back to what I was doing, but I just thought I would share that little thought with you.
Hey matt good to see you around bro. Dump the wife come to the dark side:fire:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I've suffered from alot of depression in my life, been filled with prescription meds but fuck all that shit aint ever gonna touch that garbage again. Sometimes it comes back a little bit but one single toke and some chill music and I feel great about myself again. It certainly clears up your mind.