why does neem go bad after 24 hours?


Active Member
i cant understand how an oil will just go bad from sitting in water over 24 hours. how does this make the oil less effective on spider mites?


Active Member
im asking this because the bottle says best used within 24 hours of mixing.... i guess it makes sense for soaps but i dont get it with oils.


Well-Known Member
emulsification's water mixed oil's will seperate and not stay in suspension....not sure if it really goes bad as much as seperates. Mixed neem oil's ready to spray do not say this! I have two in front of me ........it may not coat the leaves as good I really don't see why! Some neem is cold squezed other's manufactured differently so I'd ask the manufacturer call the number on the label (not the emergency one) and see if they will tell you! Good luck my brother! jack
emulsification's water mixed oil's will seperate and not stay in suspension....not sure if it really goes bad as much as seperates. Mixed neem oil's ready to spray do not say this! I have two in front of me ........it may not coat the leaves as good I really don't see why! Some neem is cold squezed other's manufactured differently so I'd ask the manufacturer call the number on the label (not the emergency one) and see if they will tell you! Good luck my brother! jack
hey i had a neem oil mixture that wasnt used for a long time. and when i sprayed it my plants stressed and the leaves curled bad in some spots. so do you think the time it just sat there effected the mixture?


Active Member
I try to just make enough so I'll use most of it. It starts to breakdown into various compounds and will begin to tear apart your plants tissues. You can also try mixing in about 1 TSP of plain, unscented dawn dish soap. It helps the neem oil molecules emulsify better with the water. When I am on a neem regimen, I'l rotate one day neem/one day fresh water to remove residue. You don' want that shit building up over leaf stomata. Will fuck your shit up and make it hard for plant to respire.


Well-Known Member
I try to just make enough so I'll use most of it. It starts to breakdown into various compounds and will begin to tear apart your plants tissues. You can also try mixing in about 1 TSP of plain, unscented dawn dish soap. It helps the neem oil molecules emulsify better with the water. When I am on a neem regimen, I'l rotate one day neem/one day fresh water to remove residue. You don' want that shit building up over leaf stomata. Will fuck your shit up and make it hard for plant to respire.
1 tsp of dish soap is way too much, more like 1 drop


NEEM OIL GOES BAD. I had some sitting in my sprayer for about a week and a half. Without thinking about it I sprayed and too my surprise it pretty much molded my leafs and and new growth shoots. Im thinking maybe a little antifungal soap?