why does the panel flicker and change color?


Active Member
ok so I received my 400w vipar LED panel a cuple weeks ago and when I turn it on it would stay a deep magenta color and yesterday I thought the color looked diferant so I unplugged it and pluged it back in and when it come on it started as the magenta color in the first pic and after 3 seconds it flickered to the color of pic 2 I have 2k watts of HID air cooled hoods about 5feet from the LED panel and I recently changed from MH TO HPS so my question is " will the spectrum change of the HID change the appearance of the LED spectrum? "any help would be greatly appreciated as I have 1 week left befor my 30 day no questions return expires ,,,,,,,good LED.JPGbad LED.JPG


Well-Known Member
Flickering can happen when there isn't good insulation between the led and the heat sink. This creates a kind of short circuit as the current jumps from the led to the metal on the heat sink.


Well-Known Member
Leave your HPS off and see if it still does it...maybe your HPS is playing tricks with your eyes....?

Mr John

Active Member
Get with the company and check on your warranty, I believe your panel should not flicker at all. Something does not sound right.


Active Member
so just to clarify it does not continue to flicke. just one flicker about 3 seconds after I turn it on and it remains that "odd" color . I am working with the company to get a new one, the problem is as I explained to them some light is better than none and I don't have a light to use in the meen time so we will see what happens.....


Active Member
so just to clarify it does not continue to flicke. just one flicker about 3 seconds after I turn it on and it remains that "odd" color . I am working with the company to get a new one, the problem is as I explained to them some light is better than none and I don't have a light to use in the meen time so we will see what happens.....
is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Could be one of the CC drivers is faulty.........if your wiring is good then I would contact the manufacturer under warranty.

If it has quick connectors inside you can check the driver pretty easily by swapping or a multimeter......good luck