why does this keep happening to me!!!


Active Member
i just transplanted all was going well until now. Three days after transplanting. The same problem i,ve had with my last two grows. :-?
The leaves first started to show small yellow spots only the older ones but then they started to go a bit lighter in colour they were pretty dark green and growing well but now the leaf tips are showing a little yellow now too on all leaves.The ph is at 6.2. growing in coco and potting soil. using tap water that has been left to stand a couple of days.:neutral:
if its a calcium or magnesium def will epsom salts cure it. ?I havent used any nutes yet either but the soil was already fertilised and i had no problems until this week second week of veg.can you help me out pppppllllleeeeaaasssseeee


New Member
Don't use soil with added nutes in it. I bet that is where your problem is starting. I always stick to plain soil with no added nutes that way I know exactly what my plants are getting.

The added nutes are probably a little too strong for your babies.


Active Member
sry no camera. why were they ok up till now if its the soil
and i had a great grow before with this soil it seedling and potting soil and no its not miracle grow