why doesnt mariuana grow.....


Well-Known Member
why doesnt marijuano grow naturally to many places if anywhere? - is anyone aware of where on earth it grows naturally TODAY with an abundance of it as such we have maple trees or flowers. ---- i might be the next jonny appleseed!


Well-Known Member
Central Asia and it's surrounding regions, less frequently in the middle east and even less South America.
--- that is the answer i found online BUT does any one know if this is TODAY? and is it illegal in that 'region' still?


Well-Known Member
well it doesnt grow naturally in most places because all the plants that are growing naturally get killed because marijuana is illegal in most places


Well-Known Member
so pretty much.... cannabis-sativa is naturally extinct? how ever there is plenty of private, controled grows that are 'harvested'? which do not produce offspring for a natural grow the following year? hmm i dont know just something i was thinking about when i was stoned. sweeeeet.


Well-Known Member
It's a weed after all. Im sure there are places that it still grows wild:blsmoke:



Active Member
My friend was born and raised in India. He said stepping out into his backyard he could see fields of wild cannabis. There's no way to know what the quality was (my guess is not too great) but hey, it's free.


Well-Known Member
The plant isn't completely extinct.It grow in places like Afghanistan,Asia,Indonesia,and my backyard. lol!


Active Member
too cold to grow naturally there prob. im all about the johnny appleseed idea when you come to my house i got about 10000 random seeds. id love to see marijuanna growing everywhere there is an open field with plenty of light, so much so that our government cant irradicate it and we all are blessed with the legalazation of SWEET MARY J


Well-Known Member
too cold to grow naturally there prob. im all about the johnny appleseed idea when you come to my house i got about 10000 random seeds. id love to see marijuanna growing everywhere there is an open field with plenty of light, so much so that our government cant irradicate it and we all are blessed with the legalazation of SWEET MARY J
as soon as they get done building the new jail in my town i am going to throw some bag seeds in a spot that they will grow just for the excitment it will bring to this town . the headlines in the paper pot found growing infrount of jail. it will be a laugh. it might send the cops a message you can't stop it growing ha ha.


New Member
I also had a friend fromnepal who said it was everywhere. You would walk down the street and see it. I guess if you have opium plants a few hundred miles away, Mj isnt that high of a priority.


Active Member
if it growed everywhere then there would be males everywhere u would have to get rid of all of them or every plant would be seedy as hell


Well-Known Member
if it growed everywhere then there would be males everywhere u would have to get rid of all of them or every plant would be seedy as hell

you are right - the only 'dank' bud would be indoor controlled bud. all outdoor bud would be naturally pollinated by the surrounding naturally growing weed. GOOD POINT GREEN BUDS! my stoned ass didnt think of that


Active Member
we had them growing "naturally" in a field... years ago, i'd go out to the field and smoke shwag weed and discard the unwanted seeds and stems on the ground.. some time later we went back and found a forest of giants... i guess no one had ever found them because it's technically private land... we killed them anyway, tho...


Well-Known Member
so pretty much.... cannabis-sativa is naturally extinct? how ever there is plenty of private, controled grows that are 'harvested'? which do not produce offspring for a natural grow the following year? hmm i dont know just something i was thinking about when i was stoned. sweeeeet.

i think we as growers should force at least one pair of male female grows a year and gather as many seeds as we can . and then make it a point to simply plant them Everywhere we can!
along streams and rivers. on planters that get regular watering.
can you imagine if Every year 100,000 plants spring up in every city?

we Should have a plant bud day where we just plant the shit Everywhere.

Craig X use to do it at UCLA
he made them Crazy!


Well-Known Member
we should all organize and save up bagseed/unwanted seeds and germinate them ALL then go plant them next year on 4/20. but everyone needs to all do it on the same day so a couple weeks later there will be this insane explosion oif marijuana plants growing all over the country


Well-Known Member
can you imagine the hell that would break lose if 10 million plants sprung up everywhere it can grow? it would cost crazy money to get it under control

i find it telling that the single best fix for global warming is being made extinct by the government.
how badly do they want to save the planet??

could we just plant the seeds or do we have to germinate then first?