Why dont any of my seed germinate?

So, I tried planting some bagseed in the soil .

Then I learnt about paper towel and before soak method. So I kept my seed immersed in water for 24 hours and then placed them in wet paper towel in dark.

I also sowed some seeds in a small pot which I water daily .

Is it because of the cold? Because the temp here is about 15-25 c in day 9-11 °c at night.

Its been about 2-3 days, none of the seeds have broken. Its ruining my new year.

What has been your experience with bag seeds?
I think you need to keep you seed soil warmer. Heat and moisture are your friends. I have no trouble popping seeds in the summer. I just put them in some dirt in the shade and wait. It almost always works out fine since I live in a desert. Here's some info that I use. Hope it helps.


BTW bags seeds should pop just as good unless they are super old.
They are about a few months old. But thanks

Josch Edgington

Active Member
I had a bag seed take two weeks to pop. I even planted another seed in the pot thinking the first one was a bust. The second seed popped in a week it was up and starting second leaves then the first seed I planted popped up. I know which seed was which do to placement in pot.
Josch Edgington, post: 12193272, member: 919391"]I had a bag seed take two weeks to pop. I even planted another seed in the pot thinking the first one was a bust. The second seed popped in a week it was up and starting second leaves then the first seed I planted popped up. I know which seed was which do to placement in pot.
I thought the same and planted about 5 seeds . fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
I had a bag seed take two weeks to pop. I even planted another seed in the pot thinking the first one was a bust. The second seed popped in a week it was up and starting second leaves then the first seed I planted popped up. I know which seed was which do to placement in pot.
I had a seed go for 3 weeks before it came up. I learned to quit fucking with them when I didn't see a sprout after a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
So, I tried planting some bagseed in the soil .

Then I learnt about paper towel and before soak method. So I kept my seed immersed in water for 24 hours and then placed them in wet paper towel in dark.

I also sowed some seeds in a small pot which I water daily .

Is it because of the cold? Because the temp here is about 15-25 c in day 9-11 °c at night.

Its been about 2-3 days, none of the seeds have broken. Its ruining my new year.

What has been your experience with bag seeds?
Buy a $20 seedling mat and start popping them all easily. I use Miracle Gro Moisture Control soil (I know all about the nutes in it and they aren't in it long enough to matter so save it). Little peat cups filled with the soil, moistened. Drop a seed in, cover with some sort of dome (or buy the whole kit with the tray, dome and mat and use it like you will not believe). I get almost 100% germination. Stop with the paper towel crap before you start an unnecessary habit.


Well-Known Member
I do paper towel method, on a seed mat (but with something like a towel between the two to limit the heat) adn tehn into MG Seed Starter.

Temp is prob your issue. With paper towel, some peeps make the towel way too wet..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Now that I'm older and don't have the want for BS, I simply place the seed appropriately in a piece of soaked Rockwool and plant them directly into the budding table.

The temps in the budding room is set not to go below 69F and not above 80F.


Well-Known Member
The best method I have found soak a paper towel put it in a zip lock and put a halogen heat lamp over it making sure to keep light away from the seeds then if that still dosent work try lightly scuffing the seeds sometimes they just need a little help don't expect seeds that aren't mature to crack all though sometimes they do most of the time if they don't germinate there not warm anuff I have about a 95% effectiveness with this method

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Well-Known Member
I dunno personally i would stay away from heat mats you can very easily cook seeds as well .. best thing is a dome and T5 ho , use paper towel method and place paper towel into another clear plastic container, that has lid i like making a layer of ass wipe then mist it real good place seeds on top then another layer of ass wipe on top misted so its extremely damp close plastic lid place in dome under T5 and 100 percent germination in less then 24 hrs every time


Active Member
Heres my method for straight into soil:

1. Get 2 those small 4-6 oz solo cups (shorter the better) and poke holes in one of them for drainage.
2. Get a cheap heat mat, I use one of the narrow window seal type.
3. Fill the cup with drainage hole with happy frog mixed with perlite (or your choice of soil mix). Lightly moisten and mix the soil first before filling up the cup. Do not saturate.
4. Poke 1/4 hole in top of soil and drop in bean. Lightly cover with moistened soil, and water in seed area lightly.
5. Place seed cup on heat mat, then take the second cup (no drainage hole) and flip it over to create a perfect sealed dome to place on top of the seed cup.
6. Within an hour or two it will cloud up showing a perfect humidity dome.
7. Wait until you see the germinated sprout in a few days. Immediatley get a cfl on it, and youre off and running. Works everytime for me.


Well-Known Member
I have never cooked a seed on a seedling mat. Of course I know what I'm doing and pay attention to it too. Best root development in any plant is from warm soil, not what you feed it.