Why don't black and white Americans live together ?

Negros? Really? Damn! Are we still in the 18th or 19th century? You must live in the middle of nowhere or a gated community that only allows white people, or Caucasian to be politically correct. Or perhaps where you live everyone naturally segregates.
Maybe most just don't want to? In my small town, most black folks who take a job here move away eventually because there aren't many blacks living here, and they want to be among black folks. That does not make them racist, that is just their preference. Some stay, and they are treated just like everybody else.

We hire lots of engineers here. HR is under huge pressure to recruit minorities. A black, female electrical engineer commands about a 30% higher starting salary than a white, male EE. Black, female electrical engineers are quite a rarity despite that. In fact, I only know of one.

I would love to live next door to Michael Jordan but "they" won't let me. That could be racist, but I doubt it.
At this time people of any race can live where they want to. That was a pretty biased article and it blames society rather than blaming the Realtor who was discriminating. The rules for being a real estate agent, Realtor in particular are very clear on this issue.

Want me to prove the disparity isnt racial?

Rich black people dont live next to poor black people or poor white people either. It is socioeconomic but to make 100% integration the goal is hypocritical and leaves no room for culture
I've lived in racially segregated areas and in integrated ones, often in surprising places; the most racially diverse neighborhood I've ever lived in was in Little Rock, AR! We all got along great, looked out for one another, shared good times.

Now I live in Ft Collins, CO a very desirable city but it's not racially diverse and I feel like we are the poorer for it, in spite of the affluence here.

Bottom line for me is that we need to get over the racist shit, all of us, because we can't afford such stupid divisions going forward. We need each other in order for all of us to succeed. We must not allow the forces of divide and conquer to succeed in shaping our political, social or economic discourse or we'll all end up losers.
Maybe most just don't want to? In my small town, most black folks who take a job here move away eventually because there aren't many blacks living here, and they want to be among black folks. That does not make them racist, that is just their preference. Some stay, and they are treated just like everybody else.

We hire lots of engineers here. HR is under huge pressure to recruit minorities. A black, female electrical engineer commands about a 30% higher starting salary than a white, male EE. Black, female electrical engineers are quite a rarity despite that. In fact, I only know of one.

I would love to live next door to Michael Jordan but "they" won't let me. That could be racist, but I doubt it.
You must work for the government. Private companies won't pay extra because of race or sex. Wait either does the government. I know 4 black female ee by the way 2 with space backgrounds. Let me know your company, I'll fill their ranks for a finders fee:lol:
Love when people who live surrounded by their own race have such insightful things tied to political stances to say about a topic like this.

Racism works both ways, ever think each race would rather live amongst their peers?
I've ever lived in was in Little Rock, AR!.

I KNEW IT! You got some po white trash in ya son. Me too. But, I'm mostly just a generic run of the mill mutt type with white skin. I been scheming on this 25 year old black girl for a few weeks. She pretty as hell but the feed back I'm getting is she don't want none of my old white ass. Plus she lives a bit far. I've offered to lick her toes but she said she don't like that. So. If anyone has some suggestions on how to get this I would appreciate any advice. Right now my only hope is to win the lottery and buy her pretty ass. Sounds racist but not really. I would let her use me like a toy in any way she desires. Peace and love just bursts out of me like that.
I KNEW IT! You got some po white trash in ya son. Me too. But, I'm mostly just a generic run of the mill mutt type with white skin. I been scheming on this 25 year old black girl for a few weeks. She pretty as hell but the feed back I'm getting is she don't want none of my old white ass. Plus she lives a bit far. I've offered to lick her toes but she said she don't like that. So. If anyone has some suggestions on how to get this I would appreciate any advice. Right now my only hope is to win the lottery and buy her pretty ass. Sounds racist but not really. I would let her use me like a toy in any way she desires. Peace and love just bursts out of me like that.

I lived there for three years, long enough to meet Bill and Hill. Then I GTFO, back to civilization=Colorado. I said that it was racially integrated, I did not say it was a desirable place to live!
I lived there for three years, long enough to meet Bill and Hill. Then I GTFO, back to civilization=Colorado. I said that it was racially integrated, I did not say it was a desirable place to live!
So you found a place that was racially integrated an undesirable place to live and uncivilized and a bastion of whiteness=civilization so you admit you are a racist.
So you found a place that was racially integrated an undesirable place to live and uncivilized and a bastion of whiteness=civilization so you admit you are a racist.

You are misusing the word racist. There are very few true racists in America. They believe that their race is superior and other races are inferior. What you are reading and seeing is bigotism and predjudice. You keep calling bigots racists and that is where it gets confusing.
I KNEW IT! So. If anyone has some suggestions on how to get this I would appreciate any advice
You should get with 66.6 % of my male offspring for tips on this.
I think having a high end sub in your ride has something to do with it but maybe not.
Whenever I see this thread title I half expect it to lead off to a joke.

Well, I can tell you with certainty that it is not true. Just the other day I seen my daughter and her husband right before I jumped on a plane , and they were most difenently living together. TRUMP!
You are misusing the word racist. There are very few true racists in America.
I agree.
They believe that their race is superior and other races are inferior. What you are reading and seeing is bigotism and predjudice. You keep calling bigots racists and that is where it gets confusing.
You are misusing the word race. It is not race but culture although race does play a part. Racist is a card that is over played everywhere, here its one of the few cards in bucks slim deck and I've seen an affinity with buck and tyedstick. If that had been ben or rob ect. it would be in bucks sig. You said "You keep calling" that may very well be a royal "You" I don't know, if you had used "we" I wouldn't have posted back. Now if you read what I said you may note that I "didn't" call him a racist! I only posted as if he had admitted to such. I assume you used my post as a way fight the conflation of racist and bigot and while you are right about THAT, and what I say may be confusing BUT "I am not confused".