Why dont i see anyone talking about the Federal reserve on RIU!


Well-Known Member
95%+ lost value sence the FED came out.
The FED was touted as inflation control.
It has failed.

95%+, destruction of our savings and wealth.
We would be much better off with real savings.
Stable currancy and not allowing banksters to legaly counterfit money.
The Feds money creation scheme helps banks not people.
End the FED.

Audit the FED find out who they are giving money to.
You and I are on the hook for all their loans I think we should know.
The FED caused the Bubble with artificialy low interest Rates.
Now they are posing as our saviours makin' trillions of Dollars in loans.
Don't give me this shit about
'to big to fail'
gold or silver will work just fine. (contrary to some oppinions)

Thats what im talking about, most of all americans in this country are to stupid to realize this.


Well-Known Member
95%+ lost value sence the FED came out.
The FED was touted as inflation control.
It has failed.
You really think that America as a whole is not more wealthy now that we were in 1914? That is not the case, we are far wealthier. Inflation control is control, not elimination. Inflation was fine, until the deregulation and high employment experiments in the 70's.
95%+, destruction of our savings and wealth.
We would be much better off with real savings.
Stable currancy and not allowing banksters to legaly counterfit money.
The Feds money creation scheme helps banks not people.
End the FED.
You do not, and don't want to understand the good that having a strong central bank that can keep everything inline and not allow constant boom and busts that actually destroy wealth.

Audit the FED find out who they are giving money to.
You and I are on the hook for all their loans I think we should know.
The FED caused the Bubble with artificialy low interest Rates.
Now they are posing as our saviours makin' trillions of Dollars in loans.
Don't give me this shit about
'to big to fail'
gold or silver will work just fine. (contrary to some oppinions)
An Audit is fine, but the rest is bs about what you said. The bubble had very little to do with the Fed, what is the Feds fault is not doing good enough changes to deflate it. Business and us consumers cause the bubbles, not the fed. The Feds job is to do what it takes to slow them and deflate them instead of just allowing them to pop.

And gold and silver is fine, but it only have value if we say it does. And that is the same as a paper currency. There is no real difference.

Thats what im talking about, most of all americans in this country are to stupid to realize this.
This is classic. Someone with the same conspiracy theory about the Fed as you is among the few that are not 'too stupid to realize this'.


Well-Known Member
my opinion is that we are very different.americans have an obsession with property and its your culture.even american anarchists were
individualists.when i say you got no property i dont mean you dont have home or car.i mean what is produced belongs to everybody.but some people that work more can get more.just think that with todays technology we can even provide free food for all.but instead of that we have some fuckers up there that food is their property.do you understand me now?thats how it goes with all goods.


Well-Known Member
1936 Revolution

Main article: Spanish Revolution
Along with the fight against fascism was a profound anarchist revolution throughout Spain.
Much of Spain's economy was put under worker control; in anarchist strongholds like Catalonia, the figure was as high as 75%, but lower in areas with heavy socialist influence. Factories were run through worker committees, agrarian areas became collectivized and run as libertarian communes. Even places like hotels, barber shops, and restaurants were collectivized and managed by their workers. George Orwell describes a scene in Aragon during this time period, in his book, Homage to Catalonia:
I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. Up here in Aragon one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. In theory it was perfect equality, and even in practice it was not far from it. There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life--snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc.--had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master. The anarchist held areas were run according to the basic principle of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." In some places, money was entirely eliminated, to be replaced with vouchers. Under this system, goods were often up to a quarter of their previous cost.
Despite the critics clamoring for maximum efficiency, anarchic communes often produced more than before the collectivization. The newly liberated zones worked on entirely libertarian principles; decisions were made through councils of ordinary citizens without any sort of bureaucracy. (It should be noted that the CNT-FAI leadership was at this time not nearly as radical as the rank and file members responsible for these sweeping changes.)
In addition to the economic revolution, there was a spirit of cultural revolution. Oppressive traditions were done away with. For instance, women were allowed to have abortions, and the idea of "free love" became popular. In many ways, this spirit of cultural liberation was similar to that of the "New Left" movements of the 1960s.


Well-Known Member
and let me ask you a question here.havent you enslaved so many nations round the world with your fucking fed?all these loans that your goverments bankers gave to our countries were nothing than slavery.you dont need weapons when you got money.and WHO are they to produce money??????just tell me!why cant i print some here and start loaning you.are we serious?think about it.i dont care what you say about my ideas but this is the truth about monetary system.money is nothing is just paper.this is no conspiracy these are the facts.


Well-Known Member
We talk about the Fed Reserve ALL the time, well I do anyway. I am of the opposite side as Hanimmal on this issue. Although I do not believe going to a gold standard would help anything ( The big banks also own all the gold) I am of the Opinion that if Congress would show some balls and do what they were constitutionally mandated to do and issue its own interest free currency that would help immensely. Lincoln did this and was Assassinated, Kennedy also did this and was also Assasinated. Jackson actually paid off all our debt and got rid of the 2nd Central Bank. He had 8 attempts on his life. These people are playing for keeps, so if you feel you want to go against them you had better damn well be prepared to die for it. Most people will not die for what they believe in, sad to say.

The Federal Reserves job is to promote Maximum employment, Stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates. http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm chapter 2 para 1.
So lets see how good of a job they are doing. Currently we have a 95% devaluation of the US Dollar, 20% real unemployment and long term interest rates I can count with 1/2 my hand. Sounds like utter failure to me.

Do some research on "Greenbacks". I think its probably the best way to go. We do not need a central bank, the USA has had more experience without one than with and we got to WWI with hardly any of their direct influence. We were in the top 3 nations then and had barely been a country for a fraction of the time other countries had.

Personally I stand to gain far more by going to a Gold standard, but that is just not feasible. You would be trading one evil for another. The USA was actually on a Silver standard for much of its history, gold only came to be the standard the last 75 years due to its value as a store of wealth. FDR took away the citizens ability to have gold and use gold for their trade unit in '33, he confiscated so much that by the beginning of world war 2 the USA had 80% of all the worlds gold. Today the USA has no Gold, we buy it on the open market to make gold eagles for investment purposes, Fort Knox is most likely totally empty. The central banks have bought most of the gold with their worthless paper promises, they have all the real wealth that can be stored away for a million years and never lose its value. Bury a dollar bill 6 feet under the dirt and see how long it lasts, bury a gold/silver coin and it lasts forever.

Hey for me its either greenbacks or Tally Sticks. Tally Sticks were used successfully for 800 years, maybe we should go back to that system eh? In Fact the Central Bank of England had its largest shareholder pay for his share with of all things a Tally Stick. Its a stick of wood, and it was worth 20,000 pounds at the time. you can read about it here.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tally_stick


Well-Known Member
I believe that after the feds have been audited a bill should be made with the intentions of not letting the federal reserve have so much power that we cant even look over them an monitor every little thing they do.


Well-Known Member
and let me ask you a question here.havent you enslaved so many nations round the world with your fucking fed?all these loans that your goverments bankers gave to our countries were nothing than slavery.you dont need weapons when you got money.and WHO are they to produce money??????just tell me!why cant i print some here and start loaning you.are we serious?think about it.i dont care what you say about my ideas but this is the truth about monetary system.money is nothing is just paper.this is no conspiracy these are the facts.
Money has enslaved nations, but it is just as bad as our enslavement on foreign oil. And the Fed did not (I don't believe, I looked but cannot find it, so if you can link me if I am wrong I would appreciate it) lend foreign countries any money. But the private banks did, which is different.

If I knew who you were and I trusted that you would indeed keep your word with your new money you could print your own. Many cities around the states have local currencies. It is a trust issue. And right now, like it or not the federal issued notes are the most trustworthy form of currency we have.

And yes that currency can be anything, but it is the trust of what it represents. Since you don't know me you wouldn't trust me if I said work for me and I will pay you in paper plates. And each paper plate is worth $500. And you can trade them to any store that you want.

I am of the Opinion that if Congress would show some balls and do what they were constitutionally mandated to do and issue its own interest free currency that would help immensely.
The Fed does not print money. That is the treasury and it is under the control of the government not the Fed. They then sell it to the Fed. That is why it took an act of congress to provide the bank bailout.

The Federal Reserves job is to promote Maximum employment, Stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates. http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm chapter 2 para 1.
So lets see how good of a job they are doing. Currently we have a 95% devaluation of the US Dollar, 20% real unemployment and long term interest rates I can count with 1/2 my hand. Sounds like utter failure to me.
We are the most wealthy nation in the world. So the 95% devaluation of that piece of paper is not a fair thing to look at. The real prices are stable.
Long term interest rates have been lowered a lot over the last 8 years and if they would have raised them it would have helped stop this bubble. They did fuck that up.
Unemployment is horrid right now due to this bubble burst. But U3 is 9.7% (About 3.7% above where it should be), Which is very bad, but not 20%. If you are talking about U6 that is 16.8% and that figure is not a good indicator of the job market.

As far as money goes I could care less what currency we use, be it tally stick or w/e. But it has to be somewhat hard to counterfeit which is a big reason why other sources have a hard time getting too far into the economy.

I believe that after the feds have been audited a bill should be made with the intentions of not letting the federal reserve have so much power that we cant even look over them an monitor every little thing they do.
It would be very hard to do because they are directly dealing with private banks. And say what you will about transparency which I am all for, you cannot dissect too much of the way they do business because it can give their competitors unfair insight on how they do business. They are set up this way because of the mistrust in the government that everyone has. Do you really think that they would be able to not start to figure out ways to use that information in ways to screw up stuff?


Well-Known Member
shit ya were the most wealthiest country in the world, Because the feds keep printing money like little kids in candy stores they just want more more more more.

Id trade hemp for currency!


New Member
Grow food.

Food is currency.

*Ok... watched your first video. Thank you very much for posting this. I knew it was bad, and shady... I didn't really get how much so.
ahh yes growing things- one of the best ways to attain wealth with practically no real investment, just time and minimal effort


Well-Known Member
shit ya were the most wealthiest country in the world, Becasuse the feds keep printing money like little kids in candy stores they just want more more more more.
Paper has nothing to do with wealth. you are getting currency mistaken with money. They are different. Currency is just a representation of how much money you have, 10 to 1 makes no difference if it is 11 to 1 or 1000 to 1. It is still counting off of the same wealth or money.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe that we are the wealthiest country in the world because that's not true. The UK is the wealthiest in the world.


New Member
idk who said that we're the wealthiest country, but you obviously have not done your research. our economy is in ruins, our government has over 1 trillion dollars of debt and growing, and we owe china billions and billions of dollars. we are anything but wealthy.

if one thing can be certain though, the FED is one of the wealthiest banks in the world.

and am i the only person who is absolutely sickened that we have a former FED employee (geithner) in obamas cabinet working with *gasp* our money? he was working on taking our money before, and now he's working with managing our money.... something about that really does not sit right with me.


Well-Known Member
This really doesn't make since anymore, im very worried about future generations to be born into this country an enslaved in all this bullshit debt!!

Its ok Ill just Smoke a bowl and relax Theirs nothing i can do about lets watch the world turn to more hate and evilness.


Well-Known Member
I do think money and the control of it ruins the world, but what can we do... We live in a society where some have to be in debt in order for others to prosper.... We are all in debt and most will stay that way our entire lives..sucks but true.... I wish I could go off to a magic island by myself and a few others...We would eat fruit and catch fish ... Grow the biggest trees :weed: and not have a care in the world...but thats just a dream.... :sad:


Well-Known Member
I do think money and the control of it ruins the world, but what can we do... We live in a society where some have to be in debt in order for others to prosper.... We are all in debt and most will stay that way our entire lives..sucks but true.... I wish I could go off to a magic island by myself and a few others...We would eat fruit and catch fish ... Grow the biggest trees :weed: and not have a care in the world...but thats just a dream.... :sad:
That sounds like perfection, but alas we would get disentary from poor water supply and malaria from mosquittos!

This really doesn't make since anymore, im very worried about future generations to be born into this country an enslaved in all this bullshit debt!!

Its ok Ill just Smoke a bowl and relax Theirs nothing i can do about lets watch the world turn to more hate and evilness.
Yeah we all need to take a collective breath at times. And remember that we are paying less taxes then ever before. The wealthy had been taxed over 90% for several decades before the 70's.

We basically are paying for our parents and grandparents, as well as the kids that are coming up. It is just the way this system works. People think that they are screwed because they see so little of the benefits from the taxes they pay.

And that is true.

When we were kids we benefited from the older generations taxes, and when we get old it will be the grandchildren of us that will be there to take care of us.

That is why making sure they get the best education, and we invest in actual things that benefit our nations.

If we don't then yes we are boned.


Active Member
You really think that America as a whole is not more wealthy now that we were in 1914? That is not the case, we are far wealthier. Inflation control is control, not elimination. Inflation was fine, until the deregulation and high employment experiments in the 70's.
You do not, and don't want to understand the good that having a strong central bank that can keep everything inline and not allow constant boom and busts that actually destroy wealth.

An Audit is fine, but the rest is bs about what you said. The bubble had very little to do with the Fed, what is the Feds fault is not doing good enough changes to deflate it. Business and us consumers cause the bubbles, not the fed. The Feds job is to do what it takes to slow them and deflate them instead of just allowing them to pop.

And gold and silver is fine, but it only have value if we say it does. And that is the same as a paper currency. There is no real difference.

This is classic. Someone with the same conspiracy theory about the Fed as you is among the few that are not 'too stupid to realize this'.
"You really think that America as a whole is not more wealthy now that we were in 1914? That is not the case, we are far wealthier. Inflation control is control, not elimination. Inflation was fine, until the deregulation and high employment experiments in the 70's."

Answer: No America is as poor as it ever was.. You think your government has more gold in fort Knox than the Fed's have.. Shit Fed's own america.. And a lot more..

"The Fed does not print money. That is the treasury and it is under the control of the government not the Fed. They then sell it to the Fed. That is why it took an act of congress to provide the bank bailout."

Answer: The FED does simply multiply "PRINT" money because money is no longer bound to raw materials..
With btw is in fight with the constitutional law.. Who forbids this..

"We are the most wealthy nation in the world. So the 95% devaluation of that piece of paper is not a fair thing to look at. The real prices are stable.
Long term interest rates have been lowered a lot over the last 8 years and if they would have raised them it would have helped stop this bubble. They did fuck that up.
Unemployment is horrid right now due to this bubble burst. But U3 is 9.7% (About 3.7% above where it should be), Which is very bad, but not 20%. If you are talking about U6 that is 16.8% and that figure is not a good indicator of the job market."

And still your country's depth keeps rising.. Strange..

"It would be very hard to do because they are directly dealing with private banks. And say what you will about transparency which I am all for, you cannot dissect too much of the way they do business because it can give their competitors unfair insight on how they do business. They are set up this way because of the mistrust in the government that everyone has. Do you really think that they would be able to not start to figure out ways to use that information in ways to screw up stuff?"

Of course u cant u have to keep the people stupid and ignorant.. (like u are) All banks use the same techniques moron... Only the federal bank gots an advantage.. Its a fucking cartel.. with no laws to withhold them..
Also if u look at gold (a stable value) and then look at the dollar (varying value based on economy and number of dollars in circulation) u can see that gold cost now 1000$ and a year ago 300$ U still aint getting the bigger picture.. No problem youl be the first getting fuckt by it.. i'm not..