Why dont people use standby generators for their lights?


Well-Known Member
I have been doing a fair bit of research into Standby Generators, (the kind used in places with frequent power outages, which will kick in automatically) Some say to only run the aircooled models 200 hours a year, but they are rated for about 5,000 hours of use. They must be allowed sufficient time to cool off however, or you will burn up your engine. The more expensive watercooled models, (roughly 3 times the price) will last about 3 times as long however at about 10,000 to 15,000 hours. For about $10,000 you can get a liquid cooled generator made by Cummins Onan(a good manufacturer) that will give 22 KW at full load, but they say to only run it at 75% load max, but still, THATS 16,500 FREAKIN WATTS. Even the water cooled units need rest however, but I would think that a 12 hour run time every day would be more than enough with 12 hours off. You might even be able to get away with 18 hours. Of course one would still have to do maintenance every 200 hours at least, but they say it is best to do it every 50-75 hours of runtime. I still need to do more research into this, and maybe ask around on some survivalist or mechanical forums, but I think this could be a viable option for those who would like to be pulling more watts, but are worried about attracting attention. Even if a water cooled propane Genset couldn't pull the weight, you can get diesel generators that can run for 24 hours a day, needing very few rests, for 3 times as long as a liquid cooled generator. Thats 30,000 - 45,000 hours of use, pretty good eh?
Costs 2 to 3 times as much to produce power on small scale. Trust me, master electrician, dropped a ton of diesel and natural gas / propane units 25kW and up, owned many on many grow houses. Only used as backup to prevent crop loss (one crop pays for 2 or more gen sets.)
Nowdays, market being more and more flooded, wholesales dropping, I'd not be trying to increase costs, rather decrease them.
i've always thought it'd be a good idea to have one of those emergency light set-ups, that come on in business hallways during outages. it wouldn't replace a grow light, but it would keep the light cycle going, avoiding a possible herm prob. no???
i've always thought it'd be a good idea to have one of those emergency light set-ups, that come on in business hallways during outages. it wouldn't replace a grow light, but it would keep the light cycle going, avoiding a possible herm prob. no???
And when your lights go off for 12/12 the emergency battery lights kick on. Nice
well, it'd have to be on a (maybe it's own) timer, and powered by a battery. nothing real powerful, just enough to light the area up. i'm just the idea guy, lol. it'd take an electrician (like you) to make it work. just a thought, lol...
Look into military surplus actions, you can usually find multi fuel generators for cheap. I was bidding on a nat/gas one last year that would have powered half my neighborhood..lol. I could have tapped my nat gas and had all the power i would have ever needed.
I have a generator that will power the entire house when power goes out. Its very loud and would piss the neighbors off if i had it on for a long period of time.
I have a nice little honda generator that will run a couple of my lights and the extraction fan/chiller/etc if my power goes out. It will at least keep my harvest alive for a few days until power comes back.
well, it'd have to be on a (maybe it's own) timer, and powered by a battery. nothing real powerful, just enough to light the area up. i'm just the idea guy, lol. it'd take an electrician (like you) to make it work. just a thought, lol...
Would be an internal mod. When the unit detects ac input stops, it kicks over to battery. So a timer would provoke the battery....