Why don't we have XXX video games yet?


Well, it looks like if the big studios won't do xxx games, it's up to independent game makers to do it. I found this the other day... a game called Venus Rising... an MMORPG that features high amounts of sex. Not sure how i feel about it... but seems like the guy needs money to make it happen (ie crowdfunding it).


Doesn't look like it's gotten much votes...so it might be there isn't a big market for these kind of games... my search continues...


Active Member
People mod MMORPGs to have naked models all the time. Also in said MMORPGs, there often is quite a bit of cybering going on and they use their characters to feel close.


Active Member
Yeah. Used to see it all the time. 2 people in a little house somewhere, naked, sitting in the bed..the guy in back and girl in front of him..

Had tons of laughs at that. Killed a couple of chicks that were together on an island and they got on Horde and cussed me out.


Active Member
It had its day it was a good game. Now it's fucking Pandas and asian themed shit. I quit for good 2 months into Cataclysm. Quit for multiple periods of time before that too.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I loved the strippers in WOW when I used to play... I paid out way too much gold to some of them...

Just for a laugh tho... I wasn't getting off on it at all...

That would just be creepy...


I remember when they had leisure Larry or something like that on ps2. Had the adult rating but don't know how xxx it was..


Well-Known Member
Leisure Suit Larry was never about the xxx. It was provocative, and had pretty clever and cunning sexual insinuations but probably not even x rated. More like NC-17. The LSL games for the consoles are a joke, an ugly step-child to the older computer games. LSL could best describe as a simplified version of Myst that ends with you getting laid.

They are definitely worth a play.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
maybe not an xxx focused game, but what about xxx aspects like the hot coffee thing in san andreas? they made a big stink about that, changed the disc, and when i bought a new disc to replace the original one that got damaged, my memory card was no longer compatable. i had to stalk game stores for 2 years before i found a used copy that was the right version, all because of a cartoon sex scene.

maybe games like gta could have a new slew of xxx stats. they've already done "dating", but sexy minigames within a larger game have a lot of potential. at least show some details when banging prostitutes, or let them fuck on a motorcycle or something so it doesn't get stale. maybe get different rewards for different moves. the games are already rated for adults. i don't see why it makes a difference what the content is if it says right on the box it's not for kids. god forbid we force parents to check out the games their kids are playing instead of simply looking at a letter on the cover.

hopefully "family groups" will wear out their freedom-squashing welcome and make it okay to consider the wants of people who don't give two shits about their precious little timmy.


Active Member
I seem to recall there being a sex scene in one of the GTA games and it got a lot of flack. I'm certain people mod that game to suit their desires as well.


Well-Known Member
In one of the GTA IV add-ons there was a segment with... wait for it... FULL FRONTAL MALE NUDITY!!! The nerve of those game developers, lol. I could only imagine those Bible thumping over protective mother groups head's exploding when they learned that a computer generated flaccid penis was going to be shown.

Teh I think that you're thinking of is the hot coffee segment of san andreas. After you went on a date and you dropped the girl back at her house if she invited you for coffee you would play a sex mini-game where you had to hit the correct buttons at the correct times.

People were all up in arms over this Hitman trailer because of how the nuns are dressed.



Well-Known Member
yea I lol'd at 1:13

I like the Hitman games, I replayed Blood Money the other day and for being 6 years old it plays pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I managed to get Silent Assassin on Pro difficulty but couldn't finish the shoot out in the funeral parlor. The only mission I had trouble on was Murder of Crows, the timing has to be perfect to get that female assassin in the alley without anyone seeing. Absolution looks fucking awesome though, it will be one of the few games I'll pick up on release date. I usually wait a month or two and get a used copy for cheaper.

I grabbed a copy of Saints Row 3 and I don't like it. I was a fan of the first two, but this one blows. The story makes no sense to me... I went from having not a penny, to having a penthouse by the second mission, they don't explain who the gangs are, even though the dialogue talks about being "sooo high" and smoking they took out the brown baggers so you can't get liqour or weed anymore, they even took out the hydraulics on the cars for fucks sake. I'm gonna take it back and get Battlefield 3 instead I think.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I would also buy the shit out of that.

There are some XXX flash games available on the internet, but that shit is garbage.

I want to see beautifully rendered 3D boobies, and I want to have the option to make my main character jizz all over them! Is that so wrong?
Glad to see you back, you've been missed apparently. :)