Darwin Riddle
Well-Known Member
LOL....Nugs...I need a house and a job....can you help me out???
statistics show that asians have small penises. smallest in the world, in fact.
LOL....Nugs...I need a house and a job....can you help me out???
wait.....he's aspiring to be a drug dealer...then wants to know why drug dealers live with their moms.....hhhrrrmmmm
asiandude has brought shame upon his family.
Ya'll are freaking weird.
we are saying that you have brought shame to your family and asians have the smallest penises in the world.
Or, to put it in a way you might understand, you bring shame on famiry and have smarrest penis on earth.
we are saying that you have brought shame to your family and asians have the smallest penises in the world.
or, to put it in a way you might understand, you bring shame on famiry and have smarrest penis on earth.
I have a 8 inch penis, i am proud of him.