Why Drug Dealers Live With Their Moms???(any similarity with MMJ grower?)

statistics show that asians have small penises. smallest in the world, in fact.


wait.....he's aspiring to be a drug dealer...then wants to know why drug dealers live with their moms.....hhhrrrmmmm

i thought i was helping him out. everyone was jumping on him in his first thread cause he said he lost his job and wanted to grow so he could make money. figured i'd point him in the right direction and try and help him out. all turned out to be a shame. shady as hell.

we are saying that you have brought shame to your family and asians have the smallest penises in the world.

or, to put it in a way you might understand, you bring shame on famiry and have smarrest penis on earth.
we are saying that you have brought shame to your family and asians have the smallest penises in the world.

Or, to put it in a way you might understand, you bring shame on famiry and have smarrest penis on earth.

rolling on the floor!!!
we are saying that you have brought shame to your family and asians have the smallest penises in the world.

or, to put it in a way you might understand, you bring shame on famiry and have smarrest penis on earth.

I have a 8 inch penis, i am proud of him.
This sounds like it was based completely on a section of the book Freakonomics, you either copied it direct or edited the backstory / Numbers lol.

Oh and by the way the answer is that they are usually part of an organised crime gang and often only the top bosses make a decent wage whereas people lower in the gang get payed SHIT all.. That was the conclusion that was made by a guy studying a drug ring in Freakonomics