Why Everybody Is An Asshole


Active Member
hey people I am new around and I was trying to find some good information for newbies.. I went through some threads and in most of them the people instead helping the new growers, they give them shit.. Does that mean that if i dont have $500 bucks on my pocket I cant do anything???


ps. ... My fine ass needs some real advice for a low budget/... I just have $150 :hump:


Well-Known Member
to be honest.......

i often get a little upset about the way people do things. i forget where i came from. i'm guilty. i do my best to try to be helpful but sometimes i forget that everyone is not in the same situation. something as simple as PH. my PH comes out of my faucet at a good level so i never worry about checking it. i have told people numerous times that it's not important because i don't do it. i could be very wrong.......


Well-Known Member
to be honest.......

i often get a little upset about the way people do things. i forget where i came from. i'm guilty. i do my best to try to be helpful but sometimes i forget that everyone is not in the same situation. something as simple as PH. my PH comes out of my faucet at a good level so i never worry about checking it. i have told people numerous times that it's not important because i don't do it. i could be very wrong.......
guility, fdd

and if that was your ass maria, i still would help you...:mrgreen:


Active Member
thats what i am talking about.... i am starting my own setup and i just have around 150.... but as i always tell my boy... it is just a plant.. they drink water and then die... how complicated can that be.. like the way i grew the basil in the garden for god sake!


Well-Known Member
to be honest.......

i often get a little upset about the way people do things. i forget where i came from. i'm guilty. i do my best to try to be helpful but sometimes i forget that everyone is not in the same situation. something as simple as PH. my PH comes out of my faucet at a good level so i never worry about checking it. i have told people numerous times that it's not important because i don't do it. i could be very wrong.......

quite a change from the original post:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it was a nice ass. i'm jealous.

but fo' serious, your set up really depends on your preferences. I'm doing mine the cheap way. I got my 3 40watt fluoro tubes set up, they are working well. I would rather have HPS though, its good for both flower and veg. If i were you i would buy some Ocean Forest potting soil. Definetly invest in some meters like a moisture meter, humidity meter, pH tester( i like the test strips you can get for the pool), a PPM meter(these are very cheap on Ebay). Let's see.......go to the dollar store and get some very relflective tissue paper it's way better than aluminum foil. Get a good spray bottle so you can mist your plants as well.

I don't know where you are putting your grow, but I hope this helps.


Active Member
fluorecent tubes and a timer?? how long is that fixture? you know who has the closet space taken so i am doing it under a desk..... i mean... because they have to go 24 hours for at least 2 weeks right? so they cant be together with the plant in flower?


Active Member
it was a nice ass. i'm jealous.

but fo' serious, your set up really depends on your preferences. I'm doing mine the cheap way. I got my 3 40watt fluoro tubes set up, they are working well. I would rather have HPS though, its good for both flower and veg. If i were you i would buy some Ocean Forest potting soil. Definetly invest in some meters like a moisture meter, humidity meter, pH tester( i like the test strips you can get for the pool), a PPM meter(these are very cheap on Ebay). Let's see.......go to the dollar store and get some very relflective tissue paper it's way better than aluminum foil. Get a good spray bottle so you can mist your plants as well.

I don't know where you are putting your grow, but I hope this helps.

r the tubes better than the cfls??? not a penny for hps :?


Well-Known Member
removing the lower growth in the veg stage that will not benefit to much growth in flower. of course using the cuttings for clones (knowing that the plants are female)

