Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Well-Known Member
Oh look, KKKynes is getting TL;DR'd again.

He must think he has time to write me love letters. Get back to fucking work bro. Taxes aren't going to pay themselves.


Well-Known Member
i love my job but the chores are just that: chores.
How much would you love trimming if you were being paid hourly instead of harvesting your own living creations which you invested so much time and care into? I bet you would hate it enough to call it a job after a week.


Well-Known Member
How much would you love trimming if you were being paid hourly instead of harvesting your own living creations which you invested so much time and care into? I bet you would hate it enough to call it a job after a week.
i trim every year for my buddy, i bet i work harder for him than i do for myself. and i love it just as much.


Well-Known Member
i trim every year for my buddy, i bet i work harder for him than i do for myself. and i love it just as much.
I get sick of trimming even my own. Still you may be getting some degree of vicarious pleasure from the pride he has in his harvest, that isn't like an hourly either, it isn't a job. You'd also probably been present and loving his babies from afar while they grew as well. You certainly sampled.

I guess that's a bad example but the point I'm making is that even a thing that you enjoy can become bothersome. If I ever go back to Mericah, I might invite you over to do some trimming.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Doc, then what is your opinion about states where workers "rights" mean nothing, like Nevada, especially Las Vegas where syndicates pretty much think of their "workers" as property. The only penalty is a fine that amounts to pennies compared to their profits. Don't like it move?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doc, then what is your opinion about states where workers "rights" mean nothing, like Nevada, especially Las Vegas where syndicates pretty much think of their "workers" as property. The only penalty is a fine that amounts to pennies compared to their profits. Don't like it move?
not following. i know a few people who work in casinos, and they dont seem to have that complaint.

Us federal labour laws are prtty strict and they cover the nation. it's required to be posted too, in california we also have to have our state labour laws posted so everybody knows

you got a concrete example of exploitation?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
not following. i know a few people who work in casinos, and they dont seem to have that complaint.

Us federal labour laws are prtty strict and they cover the nation. it's required to be posted too, in california we also have to have our state labour laws posted so everybody knows

you got a concrete example of exploitation?
Explain that to the Bellagio blackjack dealer who ain't getting jack for her new Glasgow smile she got on the job. The casino claims she got into an arguement which was done on company time, not pertaining to her job. So under Nevada law, she has to pay even her medical expenses out of pocket. Who do you think sponsored such law? That's just one shady dealing protected under the law there called Exclusive Remedy. Therefore all a casino has to do is hire a bruiser and claim the employee started it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Explain that to the Bellagio blackjack dealer who ain't getting jack for her new Glasgow smile she got on the job. The casino claims she got into an arguement which was done on company time, not pertaining to her job. So under Nevada law, she has to pay even her medical expenses out of pocket. Who do you think sponsored such law? That's just one shady dealing protected under the law there called Exclusive Remedy. Therefore all a casino has to do is hire a bruiser and claim the employee started it.
meh. theres always abuses in any system. the first thing they do if you get hurt on any job is make you piss in a cup. one trace of the Ganj and it was "Your Fault" for being "High on the Job".

thats where legal remedies come in. if she can make a case she can sue, then the casino pays out.

you know that casino has security cameras everywhere, a good lawyer will get those tapes, so either she has a shit lawyer or the tapes tell a different story and she has no case.

further i find it difficult to imagine anybody doin that to a dealer in the Bellagio and getting out with his legs and teeth intact. casino security dont play.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What abuses are in the guild system? Not talking about unions.
patronage, mordida, bribery, nepotism, graft, embezzlement, blacklisting, ohh the list goes on and on.

the word "guild" is not a magic talisman that prevents evil from infiltrating. just ask any SAG member during the shameful Asner Administration. (just kidding, Ed has done a good job despite a tough economy, dumbass producers and shitty writers)

a guild is only as good as it's members, and even the noblest ideals can be corrupted by shady creeps.

Remember Bro:

"A Noble Heart Embiggens The Smallest Man"
~Jedidiah Springfeild


Well-Known Member
nah, irish media is still trying to put a good spin on the last major national Healthcare reform they had, under Oliver Cromwell.
Oh, the one where you got your head in a hat? Healthy. No Medical problems after that.


Well-Known Member
“The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism -- ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.... Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing.” ~FDR
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