Why haven't I seen sex signs yet?

Male or female?

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Well-Known Member
Here's my baby, about a month old... Switched to flower on Monday and here we are on Friday with still no pre flowers... I'm guessing it's a female by the bushyness but it's hard to say, what do you guys think?DSC_0367.JPG DSC_0368.JPGDSC_0369.JPG DSC_0370.JPG


Well-Known Member
got to agree i dont think bushy really means anything, but if from sprouted seed i normally find its about 6 weeks till i see pistles, (give or take) right now your proberly forcing flower so allow a bit of time, and of course make sure youve no light leaks!!

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Thats gonna take atleast a few weeks to show especially with them cfls u need real lighting to speed up the process.
U can tank me later noob bongsmilie