Why I do not do LSD


Active Member
Pot is all you need really anyway. That is of course, if you aren't open minded. However I can see where your coming from, a fucked up experience like that would be me off any drugs permanently. My mate's older brother did acid when he was at University and has the odd flashback which apparently isn't uncommon, fuck that shit.


New Member
I actually understand what ur talking about. I took PCP 1 time on accident (my weed was laced) I ate half and smoked half like a $10 bag. It was laced heavily and I did way too much. I was tripping bad like in a living nightmare and shit for 8 hours straight and was messed up mentally for at least a week until I started to feel anywhere near normal. That was nearly 2 years ago and I still dont feel how I did before I took that. I still see like static on the walls and things and see tracers, also some weird things like psychic powers and just weird stuff.

I dont believe u were high for a year but it probly brought on a psychotic episode, its the same thing that happened to me after I did the PCP except I didnt hear voices. Its good that ur better now though, some ppl never get better.


Well-Known Member
So you speak for every single non believer in the world and throughout history huh?
Yes, I was voted in last year, I guess you missed the meeting. I also speak for gravity and the electromotive force but I'm still campaigning for the weak nuclear force position.

Good to know, lol when people "try" to sound intelligent on the internet its hilarious.
Yeah, I love that. Cracks me up when the ACTUALLY intelligent people, like myself, are called stupid by these people. Cracks me up every time.


Well-Known Member
U do look clever Kludge.

I have a friend or should i say had a friend who got messed up to the point he was admitted to a mental hospital through smoking weed ohh and the odd mushroom trip but it was brought on by smoking 3L bongs (we did 20 plus a day when we were 17) He was in and out of there for atleast 3 years it was horrible to watch and some of the things he believed were happening to him were sick (in the bad way).

I say smoke sensibly, and give LSD and the likes a miss.:peace:


Well-Known Member
haha it is all personal though, and i think those who don't agree with his spiritual can go f off, yoga, meditation, praying, all that shit is GOOD FOR YOU, whether or not there is a god. so seriously get a grip on your fucked up life and don't try to argue anyone into believing what you think.
Don't you find it ironic that in the same breath you admonish me for stating my beliefs and demand that YOUR beliefs be allowed to be stated without challenge. But you surely do shore up your argument by ignoring my arguments in favor of name calling. We're learning from the best; our politicians.

I think I should define what I mean by prayer before elaborating. Prayer is not sitting quietly and meditation on issues, problems, or successes. Prayer is asking an imaginary being to do what you are either unwilling to do for yourself or are incapable of doing; either through your own ineptitude or simply you are unable do it.

For instance "praying" for Baby Jesus (TM) to pay your over due mortgage bill doesn't help; getting off your ass and getting a second job does.

So, praying is NOT good for you. It is self delusion and in fact it kills people every year. Just look at the people that let their own children die because they have some fucked up belief that if they pray hard enough their child will magically be better.

And let me stop you before you argue that SOME prayer can be helpful therefor it can't all be bad. That's like saying, "I've been smacking myself in the forehead for years and it's never hurt me so it must be good for me."

I would argue that the act itself is evil because it robs the individual of the imperative that THEY do something. They have now deluded themselves into inaction. They think if they just pray hard enough Baby Jesus (TM) will come down and make everything better.

I do love Ben Franklin's quote, "God helps those who help themselves." So in other words "God" magically helps people who are already helping themselves and ignores the idiots. Wow, that sounds like EXACTLY what I was saying.

So are you calling Ben Franklin an asshole or something? 'Cause if you are... ;)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, now, I'm going to rep you for that excellent post.
Don't you find it ironic that in the same breath you admonish me for stating my beliefs and demand that YOUR beliefs be allowed to be stated without challenge.

I think I should define what I mean by prayer before elaborating. Prayer is not sitting quietly and meditation on issues, problems, or successes. Prayer is asking an imaginary being to do what you are either unwilling to do for yourself or are incapable of doing; either through your own ineptitude or simply you are unable do it.

For instance "praying" for Baby Jesus (TM) to pay your over due mortgage bill doesn't help; getting off your ass and getting a second job does.

So, praying is NOT good for you. It is self delusion and in fact it kills people every year. Just look at the people that let their own children die because they have some fucked up belief that if they pray hard enough their child will magically be better.

And let me stop you before you argue that SOME prayer can be helpful therefor it can't all be bad. That's like saying, "I've been smacking myself in the forehead for years and it's never hurt me so it must be good for me."

I would argue that the act itself is evil because it robs the individual of the imperative that THEY do something. They have now deluded themselves into inaction. They think if they just pray hard enough Baby Jesus (TM) will come down and make everything better.

I do love Ben Franklin's quote, "God helps those who help themselves." So in other words "God" magically helps people who are already helping themselves and ignores the idiots. Wow, that sounds like EXACTLY what I was saying.

So are you calling Ben Franklin an asshole or something? 'Cause if you are... ;)


Well-Known Member
After I read "I'm going to prove to you that I'm real... your dad is going to walk into your room right... right... NOW." and you dad walked through the door, im like :shock: fuck this shit! Man you may have been crazy foreal. Myself or anyone I know who has done lsd has ever gone through anything compared to that, you may have been seriously schizophrenic and then you make the voices go away by talking to your imaginary friend in the sky? Dude you may have been schizophrenic and it wasn't the lsd. Still im sorry but that shit creeped me the fuck out!:joint:


Well-Known Member
i dont do lsd since a couple of hours ago because the big yellow cat said that he would drink all the milk in the world and i wouldnt be able to see, yeah i dnt do lsd anyyyymmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
this thread is fucking dumb. im sorry but there is no such thing as a 1 year trip. there is no such thing. you like everyone who takes a physchedlic drug were exposed to alternate reality that usually resonates. i can say for sure that even when im not on LSD or mushrooms I still get "shroomy" feelings when I see certain stuff... That doesnt mean im on an eternal trip.

i have heard that lsd can trigger mental disorders like physcizophrenia(sp) and I honestly believe that this guy needs to see a physciatrist


Well-Known Member
ive done loads and when its over its over, n e thing else was there in the first place and made worse, better by phsycological effect of lsd, some can take it some cant,if you got problems dont bother. hey i know nothing.


Well-Known Member
okay so he said he was 28/29 now. so when he was..what did he say..13? that makes this kid eating the L around 1992 and we all know there was some good acid then. Especially being 13 and not yet fully mentally developed theres no doubt that he was going to have big side effects. It def wasn't a year lond trip. maybe you're psychosis was changing the sounds of your fathers foots steps up to your room into a voice that said "you're father is coming to your room!"


Well-Known Member
LMAO, someone gave me negative rep but didn't have the balls to admit who they really were, they lied and said they were Stoney. Silly person didn't realize Stoney had already given me postive rep.

So, whom ever you are:
Please feel free to disagree with me, that's what forums are for. Feel free to give me negative (or positive) feedback, that's why the system is there, but at least have the balls to admit who you are... or at least don't lie about it.

P.S. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And hey, pussy, don't use my name to neg rep people...coward!
LMAO, someone gave me negative rep but didn't have the balls to admit who they really were, they lied and said they were Stoney. Silly person didn't realize Stoney had already given me postive rep.

So, whom ever you are:
Please feel free to disagree with me, that's what forums are for. Feel free to give me negative (or positive) feedback, that's why the system is there, but at least have the balls to admit who you are... or at least don't lie about it.

P.S. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you didn't have a hidden case of schizophrenia and that the LSD triggered it? I've heard that can happen. I'm also on the all natural drug boat (even though some natural things like datura will FUCK YOU UP). If you had such a bad experience with LSD I take it you would stay away from shrooms also (even though they are natural).
I never had heard voices until that point. That's all I can really say.

I would do shrooms, since they are natural. I haven't had the opportunity, though, and I will probably never seek them out. I would definitely do them at low doses at first and try to be responsible though, if I ever did them.

The natural drug thing is just a practice I decided to employ to make sure I stay away from the most addicting and most potent drugs that are out there (all of which, in my opinion, are man-made or synthetics).


Well-Known Member
this thread is fucking dumb. im sorry but there is no such thing as a 1 year trip. there is no such thing. you like everyone who takes a physchedlic drug were exposed to alternate reality that usually resonates. i can say for sure that even when im not on LSD or mushrooms I still get "shroomy" feelings when I see certain stuff... That doesnt mean im on an eternal trip.

i have heard that lsd can trigger mental disorders like physcizophrenia(sp) and I honestly believe that this guy needs to see a physciatrist
I haven't heard voices for over 15 years. And trust me, I saw plenty of psychiatrists during and after this episode. I'm about as stable a person as there is now.

"1 year trip" may have been a bad way to describe it. The hallucinations and stuff stopped after a couple days. But the alternate reality (and voices) continued for a long time. "LSD induced schizophrenic symptoms" may be a better way to describe the experienced. It started when I took LSD, and lasted over a year. There you have it. Believe it or not, I don't particularly care. I'm just sharing my story. :peace:


Well-Known Member
okay so he said he was 28/29 now. so when he was..what did he say..13? that makes this kid eating the L around 1992 and we all know there was some good acid then. Especially being 13 and not yet fully mentally developed theres no doubt that he was going to have big side effects. It def wasn't a year lond trip. maybe you're psychosis was changing the sounds of your fathers foots steps up to your room into a voice that said "you're father is coming to your room!"
Yeah, year long trip may be a bad way to describe it. But schizophrenic symptoms that began with the dose continued for over a year. Other effects of the dose (like the hallucinations) lasted at the most a couple of days.

As far as the footsteps, yeah, I'm sure there can be a lot of explanations for how that happened. You're theory is as good as any.


Well-Known Member
Read a newspaper. There are children being killed in horrific Iways, living in horrific conditions, and the creator of the universe is reaching out to stop your 'year long' acid trip? What kind of worthless god is that?

And how does a year long acid trip work? I'm talking at the molecular, chemical level in your brain. Is that physically something that could actually happen?
Year long trip may have been a bad way to describe it. I don't know how it worked, all I know is it happened.

As far as why God allows bad things to happen, that's probably a topic for another thread. In the end it comes down to the fact that He knows much more then us, and he has a plan that is much more detailed then we know. When we don't understand something he does I like to dumb it down to help myself understand it. I think of the analogy of a kid who gets a spanking because he ran out into the street when his dad told him not to. A very young kid... maybe his first spanking. He is crying. He doesn't understand. His world has come crashing down, because this once wonderful, amazing, loving Father figure has now intentionally caused him pain. That is similar to the feelings you might feel (and we all feel at times), I think. We just don't understand all the ways of God.

I"m not saying that when bad things happen it is always because someone has done something bad, by the way. I'm just saying we don't always understand and often bad things can cause great confusion in our faith (or the lack thereof). I like to remember that even Jesus asked "Why, Father" as he was on the cross dying for my sins. "Why?" is a good question to ask. I can help try to answer it, but only One can truly answer it for you, I think.

All I know is God is the exact opposite of worthless to me. He has helped me is many more ways then just the one I mentioned here. If he is worthless to you, then so be it.


Well-Known Member
OK, I've got three major problems with this story.

First off you can't trip for a year. You could have caused a psychotic break but you weren't tripping.

Non-believers don't pray. Not even just in case. We don't believe, that's kinda the point. If you find yourself praying "just in case" then you aren't a non-believer. You're a believer that hasn't fully thrown off the shackles of religion.

Which leads to my final point. I don't want to harsh your buzz or anything but there's no imaginary creature living in the sky who loves you but will burn you in a lake of fire for all of eternity if you piss him off. It's just an old superstition that keeps getting passed forward because it's profitable and it's difficult for people to admit everything they believe in is a lie.

You see this often in victims of fraud. They WANT to believe so badly and they've already given the con man their life savings so it HAS to be true. Even when the cops tell them they have been scammed they refuse to believe it. Same thing with religion.
How do you know I believe in a God how burns people for eternity? Where did you get that from. Why are you putting words like that into my mouth?

As far as "imaginary", the Christian faith has as much historical support as most any event in history. I've never known 12 men to give up their lives and die horrible, painful deaths for what they knew to be "fairy tales" (the Disciples of Christ, historical fact is that they were martyred for their faith and proclamation of personally witnessing Christ's resurrection).

I've known individual men who died for their own faith. For instance, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism) died for his faith. He had placed his faith in the vision he supposedly had from God (with no witnesses, just himself). Or Muhammad (founder of Islam) died practicing his faith. He had placed his faith in the vision he supposedly had from God (with no witness, just himself).

But then again, both those men had other likely motivations. For instance, both men used their religion to justify taking multiple wives (some very young), and both men profited by taking land and fighting other's for land.

Do a little reading of history and you'll find that the 12 disciples did not take multiple wives, they did not take land, they did not make a lot of money. These men had a passion for preaching the good news that Christ rose from the dead and that we can all have peace with God and eternal life. Period. That's it.

I've never known 12 men willing to die such horrible deaths for a known lie, especially when they had no sexual or financial motive. They weren't the only ones though. Hundreds were recorded as having witnessed the resurrection, and hundreds and thousands were martyred. On top of that, God has of course changed my life, given me peace, and spoken to my heart in ways that I can only describe as glorious. I'm so content in my faith that I've traveled to places where Christians are *still* killed (Iran and China) in order to share the gospel with people who's government wants them kept in darkness.

But to each his own... believe as you will. I suppose when you die you'll just fertilize the soil and become a cannabis plant or whatever. Maybe someone will chop your ass down and makes a hemb bible out of you. :mrgreen:bongsmilie