Why I Want Your Opinion....


Well-Known Member
I made a new electro house song, and I've been posting mah stuff on this sub forum. most people don't care, and that's fine! but here is the reason why I post it on here (rollitup). I post it on here because I have seen the most intellectual and stimulating conversation during my 2+ year tenure here. And I KNOW YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT (well most of you anyway). So here it is, my sick ass house song for you house heads. any feedback or trolling is welcome.


thanks again riuers.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I wanna say something mean and disheartening that just makes you not wanna make music ever again...

But I can't.

Good jam, sir.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man keep praticing and youll get there....in my opinion need to flow together a little better but keep at it.

the mook

sounds good man.iv been writing for a while to.im using reason though.youve got drums and automation down pretty well.try throwning in a bit of melody, some piano or whatever.sounds good!


Well-Known Member
Kodank: I really wanna read what you were gonna say. i promise I won't get offended.

Tiger: i appreciate the kind words, and you're right. I stumbled through the transitions terribly in this song. I still haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

The mook: thanks man! i am also using reason. We should collab!

El420: Reason 5. I started in February of this year and am hoping to make more progress soon.


Well-Known Member
Not bad man. Back in the day's when I used to eat pink star's and blue dolphin's by the truckload I would have enjoyed this.