Why I'm going to register as a Republican?!


Well-Known Member
I have decided to change my party affiliation & register as a Republican.
Then I can vote in the primary elections & vote moderate Republicans into office that will work with Democrats on what really needs to be done in Washington.
As it is now, the teaparty has too much influence & moderates never get thru the primary process.
I'm just learning to play this game better!;-)
Come on guy's we can change things our way.


Well-Known Member
What if every Democrat suddenly registered Republican?........voted for moderate Republicans in the primarys?.......Then vote however you want in the regular election?..............We would get a lot more done in Washington!:hump:


Active Member
i would settle for a moderate republican or a moderate democrat, would most likely even prefer a moderate democrat, but if it comes down to a conservative republican or a liberal democrat, i'll almost always go with a conservative republican, it's a lot safer. but then again i doubt you and would agree on what a moderate democrat or republican was.


Well-Known Member
But, we both know what the 'fring' of each party is.
The more moderate we can make both parties, the more will get done. Like it or not, at least we would be getting something accomplished. Which is more than you can say now!


Well-Known Member
Water them down, from the inside!

I actually would hope for douche electives to clean them out.

Why not simply vote for conservative Democrats? It would work much better in getting Republicans to compromise.

This vote for different flavors of Republicans is delusional because they have to tow the line and cannot be willing to work with Democrats by oath!


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, an actual republican, leaning libertarian, is closer to a democrat than a moderate. Take Ron Paul, for example. He's anti-war, wants to abolish corporate welfare, against the patriot act, and cut the military budget. That sounds nothing like your modern republicans.


Well-Known Member
Why would you have to change party? I'm confused.
Why not just vote for the guy you want? Isn't he listed on the ticket or is there a special Republican ticket that is only exclusive to Republicans?

My advice, if your not hard Left or Right. Be an Independent. Better to be in the middle. So, you can get away from all the Hard Political rhetoric and static. You won't be so blinded and be able to see what is really happening.


Ursus marijanus
I'm registering as a gay man! LOL! :)
Until you post something other than empty spam, your posts will be treated as such. I would say "welcome back" if you were, but since you are plainly Kaendar/Prisoner/Mardi Gras come to troll us in an incarnation even more absurd than the previous ones, it's safe to say ... no. cn


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I buy in to the idea that the tea party has a lot of power in the Republican Party. If anything, I feel they have very little power. All bark and no bite.

Moderate candidates on both sides have to play into the "fringe" of their given party. Why? Because middle of the road is boring, even if at the end of the day that's what most people want. A candidate that is known for being moderate and can reach across the aisle is almost always labeled a flip flopper or someone with a weak position. Especially when running for president. Not quite as much when running for Congress. Take Al Gore for example. Other than the whole global warming thing, he is considered a "moderate." Other than having the personality of a house plant, he was often critiziced for being too middle of the road, plain, and not really standed for much.


Well-Known Member
Why would you have to change party? I'm confused.
Why not just vote for the guy you want? Isn't he listed on the ticket or is there a special Republican ticket that is only exclusive to Republicans?

My advice, if your not hard Left or Right. Be an Independent. Better to be in the middle. So, you can get away from all the Hard Political rhetoric and static. You won't be so blinded and be able to see what is really happening.
Because you can't vote in the Repiblican primary elections unless your a registered Republican.
Right now, moderate Republicans are affraid of getting "primaried' by the tea party in the primary election. So moderates shift to the right during the primary elections just to make the final ballot.
It would be better if they feared getting primaried by the 'moderates', and moved to the center during the primaries.
Then we would have more moderate people on thr ballot in general.


Well-Known Member
Why would you have to change party? I'm confused.
Why not just vote for the guy you want? Isn't he listed on the ticket or is there a special Republican ticket that is only exclusive to Republicans?

My advice, if your not hard Left or Right. Be an Independent. Better to be in the middle. So, you can get away from all the Hard Political rhetoric and static. You won't be so blinded and be able to see what is really happening.
You can't vote in the Republican primary unless you are registered as a Republican. If you register as a Republican you can vote for moderate Republican candidates to be on the ballot. Then you can still vote Democrat when the real election rolls around.
Just trying to get more moderate (reasonable) Republicans on the ballot.
The Dems would have an easier time with legislation if there were more moderate republicans being elected.

Edit: sorry for the double post, I got knocked off-line & didn't see that the first post got thru. So I started over.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What if every Democrat suddenly registered Republican?........voted for moderate Republicans in the primarys?.......Then vote however you want in the regular election?..............We would get a lot more done in Washington!:hump:
Get alot more done in Washington? What needs to be done there besides turning off the lights?


Active Member
Get alot more done in Washington? What needs to be done there besides turning off the lights?
Well, they would need to sale off a bunch of land. Hold court for the crooked politicians, and then put them away. There is also the little matter of all our government bases over seas that will need to be shut down. But, it could all be done rather quickly.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why would you have to change party? I'm confused.
Why not just vote for the guy you want? Isn't he listed on the ticket or is there a special Republican ticket that is only exclusive to Republicans?

My advice, if your not hard Left or Right. Be an Independent. Better to be in the middle. So, you can get away from all the Hard Political rhetoric and static. You won't be so blinded and be able to see what is really happening.
his intention seems to be to sabotage the primary system in the republican party, then vote democrat is the general. in more regions primary elections are for members of that party only.

his plan is not dissimilar to the movement for blacks in the 1960's to join the democrat party for the sole purpose of outvoting the regular rank and file dems of the Klan persuasion.

rush limbaugh resurrected this idea with "Operation Chaos" so republicans in incumbent republican districts could put fringe nutbar loony dems into the race (specifically hillary clinton) since they are unelectable.

meh. it just doesnt do anything unloess you have an organized group with big numbers, and real solidarity on at least one core issue.