why is my bud purple??


Well-Known Member
Is there no air flow through that box? or is there a fan? Also I like to leave a little more leaf on then that while drying. Personal preference I don't mind a wait if it is done properly.


Active Member
Is there no air flow through that box? or is there a fan? Also I like to leave a little more leaf on then that while drying. Personal preference I don't mind a wait if it is done properly.

Im not sure how i will dry - this is more of a test but i might leave some leaf on it. There is airflow in the room. If i put my hand in the box i can feel cold air moving through the bottom. Humidity stays at 48-52. temp constant at 65


Active Member
next to green, purple is the most common color in cannabis..... many plants will turn some purple toward the end, nothing to fret about.
Ok well why only one plant? Im only starting to flush today so it cant be because its using up its stored nutrients..


Ok well why only one plant? Im only starting to flush today so it cant be because its using up its stored nutrients..

i dunno.... why does one of my kids have blond hair and blue eyes??? same reasons; different expression of the same genes (different phenotype).... and also, toward the end of flowering, plants start losing clorophyll; the following quote is taken from one of our members a few months back....

"During flowering, with the passing of summer, days become shorter. The phytochromes, the light-sensing mechanisms in leaves, recognize the shorter day lengths. The shorter days and lower temperatures arrest chlorophyll production. Chlorophyll breaks down faster than it is replaced, allowing the yellow and orange pigments to be unmasked.

The molecules reflecting red wavelengths, anthocyanins, are water-soluble pigments that occur in the cell sap, creating the red, pink, and purple hues. These pigments may not be present during the summer, or vegetative cycle, but their formation is encouraged during a succession of cool nights and sunny days. During these days when photosynthesis and chlorophyll production are decreasing, an abundance of sugars accumulates in the leaf. The cool nights promote a separation layer of cells in the petiole—where the leaf attaches to the stem—that prevents sugar from flowing out of the leaf, and also arrests the flow of nutrients into the leaf. The formation of anthocyanin requires bright light, a diminishing water supply, and the accumulation of sugars trapped in the leaf."


Well-Known Member
Day 43 skunk#1 in soiless mix under a 400w. Should i start flushing tommorow or give it nutes? I want to flush for 2wks and it takes about 3-4 days for the soil to dry out during normal waterings.

i was gonna go for 65-68 days but now im thinking more towards 58 -60 days. Any opinions?

feed it molasses with nutes and everywhatering wait a week then start flushing it bro oh make sure you use molasses and mix 1 table spoon in per gallon and if you got a 2 gallon pot make sure you flush it with 4-6 gallons of water mixed with molasses so that your buds start packing on weight and then you will have nice flavorful dense buds bro. thats the real deal yo


Active Member
feed it molasses with nutes and everywhatering wait a week then start flushing it bro oh make sure you use molasses and mix 1 table spoon in per gallon and if you got a 2 gallon pot make sure you flush it with 4-6 gallons of water mixed with molasses so that your buds start packing on weight and then you will have nice flavorful dense buds bro. thats the real deal yo

great.. well im doing that already im curious about my purple leaves/bud... guess i should change the name of this thread.. How can i do this?


great.. well im doing that already im curious about my purple leaves/bud... guess i should change the name of this thread.. How can i do this?

you cant; what do you want it to be: "why are my buds purple?" ???

*edit* i'll change it, but i believe i answered your question in my previous post


Ok well why only one plant? Im only starting to flush today so it cant be because its using up its stored nutrients..

cannabis is an annual, meaning it dies every year.... doesnt matter if you are starting to flush or not, it still knows that the end is near.....

changed the title for you anyway;-)


Active Member
cannabis is an annual, meaning it dies every year.... doesnt matter if you are starting to flush or not, it still knows that the end is near.....

changed the title for you anyway;-)
I know but i was just curious - some buds have been harvested (small ones) and they are dry enough to smoke on the 5th day and the smoke is wonderfull.. Now will the purple plant be any different in the quality of smoke?

thanks for changing the title!


I know but i was just curious - some buds have been harvested (small ones) and they are dry enough to smoke on the 5th day and the smoke is wonderfull.. Now will the purple plant be any different in the quality of smoke?

thanks for changing the title!

the quality should not be affected, at least not that you would notice... I am going to assume that it is just a different phenotypic expression of the same strain, so the flavor/smoke/buzz will be a bit different, but different is not bad.... I'll use the children analogy again, my kids both look like me, but one has blond hair and blue eyes... just a little different, but still the same if that makes any sense. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah if it is purping and you are not sure why odds are you are just doing things right and your plant is responsive to all the cues you are giving her.


Well-Known Member
i flush for round 4 days just feeding ph'd water only through the top of my pots and then let medium dry out for a day