Why is my plant growing like this?


I hate to quote my own response from a earlier thread but it was easier than re-writing the whole thing...Re: "Superthrive"-More than a little debate surrounds the use of "Superthrive" and not just in the cannabis growing community. Personally, I think it is snake-oil (Superjive) and simply yet another in a long line of formulations/tonics that have no basis in good botany or agriculture/horticulture. Most of the proponents of this product use anecdotal evidence to back up the claims made by the manufacturer "man my plants really grew fast!" with little or no hard evidence to support it. I will never claim to be an expert on growing any one species of plant but I do have a BS in Horticulture/Agriculture and I once did controlled studies of "Superthrive" on the flowering perennials Dianthus, Hemerocallis and Echinacea (Carnation,Daylily and Coneflower). The study was done under carefully controlled lab.-conditions and took 10 months to complete as I recall. After the endless hours of work and tedious measurements the product contributed exactly nothing to the overall plant(s) vigor, health, disease resistance, flower number or yield. Use it if you like but I am covinced it is a waste of time and money.
What kind of fertilizers did you use?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
As I recall there were at least 20 different fertilizer analysis used ("organic" and mineral based) with ratios ranging from high N to low , high P to low, and K etc... ad nauseam. Several flats were done with no nutrients added in a soilless medium and some were given micros only. Temps, light, humidity and airflow were all carefully monitored. Some of the grad students even wanted to do some outdoor stuff to test stress mitigation but the professor overruled it as he stressed the plants plenty within the greenhouse environment but most of the study was conducted to replicate real-world conditions from ideal to downright shitty (see newb grower). I distinctly remember the endless counting/weighing of Echinacea blooms until I dreamt of the damn things at night.
Plants are excellent little bio-chemical factories and evolved a way to produce ample amounts of B1 they need within themselves. Lucky for us that one of them decided to evolve a way to make THC and Cannabinoids and chose to hitch a ride with humans and spread all over the planet.