why is my plant so short??


I have been growing an indica plant from a seed that I acquired through smoking. I germinated my seed and when it was ready I planted it in a rather large pot with potting soil. I'm into my 5-6 week of the vegetative stage yet my plant is only a maximum 30cm in height. It has no problems with lateral growth as it Is at least 20cm wide. The problem I have is that there are very few nodes from which buds can develope and my yield will be very low. I give it nutrients 1 a week and water it once every 2 days as the pot I am using is rather large and the soil remains moist for the elapsed time. The pistils indicating the plant as a female have begun to grow, so I think it might be close to flowering. What can I do to increase the height or yield of my plant. Pics to follow. Any help is appreciated!


The roots are trying to find the bottom of the pot. Instead of you having growth above the soil, the majorty of growth is happening underneath the soil. Not a bad thing, it only takes longer to grow. Once the roots bottom out, you'll notice quick sprouting growth and your plant should shoot up taller.

In the future, you can prevent this by planting in a smaller pot such as a 2 or 3 gallon and then transplanting into a larger pot such as 5 or 10 gallon. The roots will bottom out faster and your plant will grow taller, faster.


Active Member
Couple of possible reasons

1.) Genetics = Bad genetics makes for slow and undesirable growth patterns
2.) Light = Not enough or the wrong kind 6700K is optimum for veg growth with about 20-40 watts per square foot, although red light spectrum has been known to help with upward growth
3.) Stress = Can be caused by a number of things, but stress early in the plants life stunts growth.

Never heard the theory about transplanting above however it seems to make sense.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it might be grown outside. If thats the case its probably not getting enough sun, either way don't forget that the plant will either double or triple in flowering.


Thanks for the quick replies. I am growing it outdoors on my roof, so it is getting enough sunlight for about 12-13 hours a day due to where I am living. I think the first reply was correct in that my pot is too big. I only water it when ithe first inch of top soil is dry. The pistils are coming out now as you can see in the pictures, so I'm guessing a month or a bit more till flowering. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going to give it a second run with clones this time around, using smaller pots and being careful not to over water. Thanks once again.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you're over-watering it too. A pot that big with a plant that small, you'd be lucky if you had to water once every two weeks maybe.

I'm with ya on that one. Unless it's like 100*, that soil shouldn't be drying out that fast.

Also, I seen a similar problem here, once before, where a guy growing on his hot roof, had plants that looked alot like yours. Turned out, he was basically baking his root system, slowing things waaaay down.


New Member
hi guys,can someone tell me why is it plants to short,I water them once a week,always the right ph and its medium grow,any advice will be much appreciated,cheers

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I have been growing an indica plant from a seed that I acquired through smoking. I germinated my seed and when it was ready I planted it in a rather large pot with potting soil. I'm into my 5-6 week of the vegetative stage yet my plant is only a maximum 30cm in height. It has no problems with lateral growth as it Is at least 20cm wide. The problem I have is that there are very few nodes from which buds can develope and my yield will be very low. I give it nutrients 1 a week and water it once every 2 days as the pot I am using is rather large and the soil remains moist for the elapsed time. The pistils indicating the plant as a female have begun to grow, so I think it might be close to flowering. What can I do to increase the height or yield of my plant. Pics to follow. Any help is appreciated!
Plant height usually correlates exactly to penis size.