Why is my plant so short?


This is my first grow and my plant is 2 weeks old and are just under 2in, i currently have it on RO original and feed only with ph'ed water once a day. I have it in my backyard, i noticed some white tiny spots on a leave somedays ago but i didnt see any pest. Also no new white spots have appeared since then. Could it be a disease causing all this?? If so wat can it be and how can i take care of it


420 happends

Active Member
well from what im seeing i cant really tell, mabe try uploading a better picture for those "spots" you said you have, i think your size it ok for now it could be an indica strain which tend to be short lovely plants im currently growing some indica right now, but yea post better pics of those white spots it could be spider mites even though u checked there really small and there could be eggs which u cant see with out a magnifying glass. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Probably root bound already. You've got the plant in a styrofoam cup only about 1/2 full of soil, you need to up pot the plant.


Well-Known Member
transplant ASAP! your plant looks fine tho. how tall a plant gets depends on genetics and also light and nutes (Not at this stage). may be after transplant put it somewhere where they can get max light or put them inside with 24h CFL it will boost it before putting back out.


well from what im seeing i cant really tell, mabe try uploading a better picture for those "spots" you said you have, i think your size it ok for now it could be an indica strain which tend to be short lovely plants im currently growing some indica right now, but yea post better pics of those white spots it could be spider mites even though u checked there really small and there could be eggs which u cant see with out a magnifying glass. Best of luck!
Yea man i thought it could be spider mites but i dont seen anything and the spots or only on one leave, as i thought about i remembered i sprinkled the plant to take off some dirt it had from some strong winds and i guess that leave still had water when i put it back in the sun. My best guess is the water magnified the suns light and made lil burn marks. Anyways here is the best pic i could take of it

