Why is my plant so small?


Well-Known Member
I also currently grow the Carm...
mine is small only due to how I got it.. it was in bud state as a clone
it has 4x the size since then

Size will depend on strain--container size-- nutes/soil + light.


Well-Known Member
that is not a very good clone, who took that ?
i can barely see any shoots on it, it is basically a steam with a few leaves on it

when you take your clones, you are not worried about the leaves so much, you trim them down at the tips or remove them
it is the "growth shoots" that sprout where the branches or nodes join that concentrate the hormones that cause growth etc
that thing will need to sprout some shoots first for it to have something to "grow from"
these shoots will become the branches as the plant develops


Could be a range of things. standard potting mix will sometimes cause nitrogen draw down (as potting mix decomposes availble nitrogen is used in the process) soil temp might be to low to stimulate new root growth, how many hours and what quality of light is it getting in a 24 hr period? what is the air temp? compacted soil will slow root growth.Also if the potting mix has been very dry at some it can repel water causing root stress. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
sweet littel plant ..

I bet its hungry as hell .. but dont over do it in the start .. start slowly on 1/4 strenges or so ..

need some N I bet .. and who knows .. Ca/Mg might also be a possibility if it is in normal potting soil that is a month old .. PH might also be off ?

do some research .. stuff like Epsom salt .. Lime/Mearl aso. can be added to recondision the soil and help the plant take up nutriens better ..
and a drop of supertrive in your spray when you spray it can also make wonders I have seen ..

and when you repot it do it a favor and get some good soil .. or even better get it in the ground ..


Well-Known Member
Stop watering it as often as you do, i recently ran into this with excess moisture preventing the root "knobs" from extending.

As i can see in your picture the soil around the base of the clone is wet, see how the soil around the edges is dry, let the entire top crust over (So the root "knobs" will send roots outwards to find more water. Bigger root systems = more aggressive growth.

Also as i can see you are taking very good care of that clone, trust me and do not give it any water for 2 to 3 days until the top soil is completely dry then give it a good soak and then NO WATER for 2-3 days and you should see some rapid growth.

Let us know how it goes.



Well-Known Member
once in a while you get a dud clone. done a ton of clones and it happens. had a lemon og that stunted and would not grow. pulled it after 2 months. need the room or would have kept it going for shitz and giggles.


Well-Known Member
She's still prepubescent... give her time, and she'll have bush soon enough. Then it's time to play ball ! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Definitely has deficiencies. Also judging from the lower leaves it looks like it was unhealthy when you got it. Those two things combined have led to slow growth IMO.