Why is my rockwool green on top?


Well-Known Member
NO man it doenst have to be that exact. I use a spray bottle, fill it 3/4 of the way with water and fill it up the rest of the way with peroxicde.


Well-Known Member
Glad i could help but you should do some reserch on white mold or powdery mildew.
Use the search on here.


Active Member
Yep, algae. It's caused by oxygen and light exposure to stagnant water. Blocks access to air for the roots; causing suffocation. Can be prevented by not exposing the possible place for algae to grow and can be eliminated easily by spraying it with hydrogen peroxide.


Well-Known Member
The Green algae will not cause a problem by itself, but what happens is mold start to feed of the Algae and then you have mold spores spreading around the room by your fans.