Why is my Tangerine Dream taking so long,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hi all, im new to the site, ive got a Tangerine Dream from barneys farm and it seems too be taking for ever to flower ? its now on 12/12 and has been for about 4 weeks, its about 6ft tall but no buds just white hairs???????????? any help would be great ... many thx...


Well-Known Member
white hairs are pistils...at the base of the pistil is a "bud"/flower/calyx...they don't just immediately go BOOM...over the course of flowering the calyxes will start to swell giving you your "buds"...


Says its a 70 day flower, but gives a range of 60-120 days...so depending on how sativa driven the pheno is that you've got...it might take a while to finish her off ;)
massah cheers for that info, ill get some pics of it and post them up... the pistals do have little little ball like buds at the bottem of them but it just seems to be taking for ever , was thinking about taking it down but seems such a waste of effort.. so have dcide to keep plugging away with it...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like u got a late pheno........might take up to 14 weeks to flower. I often junk them and start over- sorry to say. Some times, it's just not worth it. You could actually start new seeds and finish them up before your plant is done!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got the sativa pheno. Just liek this one, it took about 16 weeks under a vertical 600watter to be done.
Not sure if the smoke was worth the wait, but hey its a great yield:-D



The pics kinda remind me of the time bout 23 years ago when I was in Iowa trying to take a short cut off the railroad tracks I was walking along. I passed though some trees and heavy bushes and found myself in a patch of MJ maybe 25' x 50'. I was overjoyed until I realized it was just a bunch of wild hemp.

With that memory now relived, I'll say something doesnt look right about that garden. I dont know if its lighting, genetics, a combination of things or what, but it takes me back to that sunny August day in Iowa when I found a huge crop of... rope.
The pics kinda remind me of the time bout 23 years ago when I was in Iowa trying to take a short cut off the railroad tracks I was walking along. I passed though some trees and heavy bushes and found myself in a patch of MJ maybe 25' x 50'. I was overjoyed until I realized it was just a bunch of wild hemp.

With that memory now relived, I'll say something doesnt look right about that garden. I dont know if its lighting, genetics, a combination of things or what, but it takes me back to that sunny August day in Iowa when I found a huge crop of... rope.
Ben im sure u would smoke it mate...... when its ready ill meet ya in Iowa for a smoke ...... just tryin to learn thats all....


Well-Known Member
Just not worth the time and effort, IMO. This is the perfect strain to grow a bunch out, and then choose a mother to clone off of. To wait 25 weeks for a plant to finish is CRAZY......


Ben im sure u would smoke it mate...... when its ready ill meet ya in Iowa for a smoke ...... just tryin to learn thats all....
No offense meant bro.--- And yes, if its all I had I WOULD smoke it. Even if it had to be chopped today I would smoke it. I would take it and make hash with it. Further, its just what it reminded me of looking at the pics. For all I know you have a crop of the best MJ that ever graced the earth, even passive inhalation will get you so ripped you'll have to crawl to bed and sleep it off--- a strange, never before seen strain that was created that takes 52 weeks of 12/12 to finish up.... Or maybe 12/12 wont do it because of genetics. Maybe its one that doesnt really want to tip into flower until it sees less than 12 of light. In any case, on this grow right at 8 weeks I switched mine to 11.5/12.5.
Before I knew a little more, when I would travel to, say the Philippines, I would cop from the locals and wonder how the flowering worked there. After all, on Mindanao they get 12/12 year round.

But anyway, good luck bro--- it must be frustrating.
SSHZ i agree it is crazy to wait 25 weeks , but ive waited 18 so 7 more cant hurt lol...... and if it comes off theres gota be a load there ...... wont do it again...... next time itll be a 12 week .....


Well-Known Member
That plant does not look like it will be done in 7 weeks either.....but good luck with it.