Why is this happening? Drying and Insects


New Member
Indoor and it's four months old and two feet high.
There are some very little white and black flies around my plant and also some kind of spider! too. White flies as shown in the picture like to go beneath the leave and hatch there!
And sadly leaves are drying too, so I just cut off some leaves from the bottom for the plant to grow.
Another one next to it is just fine and no insect dares to go around it but its leaves are going yellow.
Is it ok spray some insect killer around the bush? What do you suggest about the other one?



Well-Known Member
Looks like thrips to me from the leaf damage. Spinosad will take care of them. For mites there are quite a few products. Do you have any webs?

Fighting pests sucks. Get on it asap or they will take over and kill ur plant.


New Member
Yes, there's also on the sick plant some webs.
I read somewhere spraying alcohol will effectively remove the mites and also soap water.
What if I use any kind of insect killer sprays?


Well-Known Member
Soak you entire grow with spinosad. Monterrey Garden Insect killer has spinosad in it. Start with that and see if it takes care of all your pest problems. Soak your entire grow: medium , plants,walls, cracks and clean everything really well before you spray. Clean thoroughly, spray. Day 2, spray again. Read directions on product, use when lights off.


New Member
Everyone, thank you.
They're mites. I bought a kind of insect spray and it worked, it was not spinosad though.