Why is Tucker Carlson the most popular show among democrats?

and the left wonder why they get absolutely HUMILIATED on the world stage in the MEME WARS to the point they have to start SCREAMING and demanding censorship of all the smart people! lmao

The reason the left are infamous for lacking any ability to MEME is because they are all programmed by corporate/banker media.
They are robots for the establishment banker army.

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He's unafraid to take on corporate America and get to the very bottom of the days most pressing issues.
The only people who see sex in everything are the chronically and dangerously repressed. The massive preponderance of Federal sex crimes among the party that is in bed with the theocrats is total coincidence. Nothing to see here, pilgrims.
BBBBBBUT - Ryan Seacrest, Don Lemon, Goldmann Sachs, CNN, Pepsi, NATO, Justin Bieber and the Oil corporations say they are the GOOD KIND OF NAZIS!

Half of Americans think the left are guilty of GENOCIDE

and the LEFT agree they would get morally & intellectually dismantled, exposed as psychopaths, and trashbinned if they debate it

and the left wonder why they get absolutely HUMILIATED on the world stage in the MEME WARS to the point they have to start SCREAMING and demanding censorship of all the smart people! lmao

Every fire ass meme in this thread is not Republican friendly, so try again. Do not collect 200 dollars.

There is a missing category: grown adults who have internalized the doctrine that sexuality is evil, so with all sex being evil sex, there is no difference between premarital sex and pederasty.
Might as well go for broke.

Yeah, I grew up going to church and when I turned 12 or so and found my moms Fredericks of Hollywood catalogue I was pretty busy with the lotion all the while burdened with shame and the weight of my 'sins'. Of all the control mechanisms organized religion employs-pitting puberty and unstoppable hormonal change and desires against your passage to eternity seems the most devious and absurdly underhanded. I reckon repression and shame bottled up too long is a likely precursor to deviant sexual behaviors later in life.
Yeah, I grew up going to church and when I turned 12 or so and found my moms Fredericks of Hollywood catalogue I was pretty busy with the lotion all the while burdened with shame and the weight of my 'sins'. Of all the control mechanisms organized religion employs-pitting puberty and unstoppable hormonal change and desires against your passage to eternity seems the most devious and absurdly underhanded. I reckon repression and shame bottled up too long is a likely precursor to deviant sexual behaviors later in life.
Maybe your parents shoulda fed you more Corn Flakes :lol: :lol: :lol: lol!
Of all the control mechanisms organized religion employs

What about the ESTABLISHED RELIGION in America and their control mechanisms?

This suicide cult needs to be removed from all government institutions - keep it in church where it belongs

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