Nope. Got it all wrong. The best IN the world is grown on a hilltop in southeast Tennessee by a fifth generation grower who never clones. His seed is from a pure sativa inbred for 100 years since his great great grandfather brought it over from Africa on a mule's back. Its 99% THC and has no vegetative stage at all - just goes straight from a seed to these giant blonde trichome/crystals that just kinda push up outa the ground!!! (I'd post pics but i can't find the cord for my phone.) Crystals are so dense, you haveta pulverize with a ballpeen hammer and melt with an acetylene torch to get a hit. It's a lotta trouble, but one hit will last most folks a few weeks, once they regain consciousness...
Silly people, great bud is not limited to locale. Its in the genetics, and that came from a seed. Remember folks, clones didn't come from a test tube, but from another plant which was popped from a seed, likely as not.
Oh yeah, old Guy calls his special strain Mountain Dew. We call him Grover Sir. He says ALL Californians are pussies, but I don't agree because I've only met a few.
