why isnt it legal


Well-Known Member
control and money my dear friend...the oil and pharmaceutical companies dont wanna lose money...and the gov't doesnt want a society of free thinking people...and thats what pot does...makes u think...and question everything...free thinkers are harder to control


stays relevant.
i don't know what smoking bud has to do with oil companies... but okay!

i guess since we're all high on our magic carpets... LOL :)


Well-Known Member
u can make fuel from it...it would be a way to have a renewable fuel source and the oil companies would be screwed...u can make tons of things from cannabis/hemp


Active Member
I just read this recently, and it explains the whole issue.
Marijuanna ,as its called, isnt the real name. the real name is HEMP. and if you search the history of the hemp plant you'll discover what hemp is/was all about. it was /is the most extraordinary plant in the world. so much so that it was used in myriad ways, least of which was smoking to get high. it was the single most important cash crop used industrially, for centuries, including in the USA,all prior to the oil/plastics/tree-paper industry that came of age in the last 100 years.

hemp was the principal crop used to make clothing, before the advent of the cotton induustry. hemp fibers are far more sturdy and make clothing last longer. fibers so sturdy that they made ropes out of hemp.
what else... before the age od plastics,which comes from oil, the things made now out of plastic were made from hemp. and ...paper parchment was all made from hemp. the us constitution was written on hemp paper. what made it all change? william randolph hearst....owned a billion dollar forest,and was powerful enough to lobby for laws that forced paper to be made from trees,instead of hemp. hemp paper is better because it doesnt turn yellow with age, like tree paper does. artists canvases,all made with hemp also by the way.
so around the mid 1930's..... as the plastics and tree paper industry was hijacking the hemp industry,destroyed it completely....typical corruption of government and industry and greed of elite power.

but prior to these times....hemp was in fact mandated to be planted in the USA as a cash crop for its vital industry. farmers were forced to plant it sometimes. the whole story is fascinating and of course ,sad....because its all about the corruption of the eliute corporate/government power we all suffer under. even now, in the medical industry, another corrupt indistry, the govt/medical power system prohibits HEMP OIL from being cultivated . hemp oil cures cancer. the govt/medical industry doesnt want something like that. and on it goes.human civilization has not progressed since the ancient romanan times. kings are still kings. theyre just called CEO's now. and government is still corrupt. and we are still the serfs and slaves. anything good ,like HEMP...will be taken away from you. like the genius work of nikola tesla,150 years ahead of his time,created free electricity. government powers wouldnt want you to have that would they? and on it goes. until the poles shift and the planet cleanses itself from all the corruption.


Well-Known Member
It's all about $ and control...
The gov't will lose too much if mj is ever legalized, hence we have medical mj and decriminalization.
It'll never be legal in this world in my eyes too costly.


Well-Known Member
It's all about $ and control...
The gov't will lose too much if mj is ever legalized, hence we have medical mj and decriminalization.
It'll never be legal in this world in my eyes too costly.
unfortunately i agree with you...i cant see it being legal anytime soon either.


Well-Known Member
Even if they thought about it, too many jobs(cops etc.) would go to away that they would have to move them around or just fire them completely, it's not just about us, peoples lives depend on the fight for controlling mj.

Personally it wouldn't make no difference to me if they don't legalize it, just because I've never been busted without if being my fault. It's illegal and I decide to break it on numerous occasions, I probably have broken every mj law there is in 2 states, and alot in every state I go visit pple in.

What kind of regulation would they put on it? You can't have mj unless you 18? Surgeon General Warning? I'd love to see what they would come up with if they do decide to legalize it..

and if it comes to that I'd rather have it illegal or decriminalized if it'll cost people their jobs. Most of the people that want it to be legal just want to smoke outside or not to worry about getting caught. And if that's why people want it to be legal that's not a good enough reason.

Me I just say don't get caught use common sense, you can't get busted in your house.


Active Member
I just read this recently, and it explains the whole issue.
Marijuanna ,as its called, isnt the real name. the real name is HEMP. and if you search the history of the hemp plant you'll discover what hemp is/was all about. it was /is the most extraordinary plant in the world. so much so that it was used in myriad ways, least of which was smoking to get high. it was the single most important cash crop used industrially, for centuries, including in the USA,all prior to the oil/plastics/tree-paper industry that came of age in the last 100 years.

hemp was the principal crop used to make clothing, before the advent of the cotton induustry. hemp fibers are far more sturdy and make clothing last longer. fibers so sturdy that they made ropes out of hemp.
what else... before the age od plastics,which comes from oil, the things made now out of plastic were made from hemp. and ...paper parchment was all made from hemp. the us constitution was written on hemp paper. what made it all change? william randolph hearst....owned a billion dollar forest,and was powerful enough to lobby for laws that forced paper to be made from trees,instead of hemp. hemp paper is better because it doesnt turn yellow with age, like tree paper does. artists canvases,all made with hemp also by the way.
so around the mid 1930's..... as the plastics and tree paper industry was hijacking the hemp industry,destroyed it completely....typical corruption of government and industry and greed of elite power.

but prior to these times....hemp was in fact mandated to be planted in the USA as a cash crop for its vital industry. farmers were forced to plant it sometimes. the whole story is fascinating and of course ,sad....because its all about the corruption of the eliute corporate/government power we all suffer under. even now, in the medical industry, another corrupt indistry, the govt/medical power system prohibits HEMP OIL from being cultivated . hemp oil cures cancer. the govt/medical industry doesnt want something like that. and on it goes.human civilization has not progressed since the ancient romanan times. kings are still kings. theyre just called CEO's now. and government is still corrupt. and we are still the serfs and slaves. anything good ,like HEMP...will be taken away from you. like the genius work of nikola tesla,150 years ahead of his time,created free electricity. government powers wouldnt want you to have that would they? and on it goes. until the poles shift and the planet cleanses itself from all the corruption.
Marijuana belongs to the same family as hemp. They are not the same. One gets you high the other gives you a headache.


Well-Known Member
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is backed controlled and funded by a list of who's who in the pharma, plastics, wood, paper, cigarette, alcohol, cotton, tobacco farming, law enforcement and corrections industries. They do not even attempt to hide this fact and it's public information.

Each of which would loose money if weed / hemp were legal.

They all need to be beaten to death first to get pot legal, the pro legalization side will never have the money and connections the other side does. Not likely to happen in our lifetimes, but it should be legal and we should all be able to smoke on the street or in plain view if we so choose. The medical mj laws in all states have restrictions that you have to medicate in private out of public view, and if you break that rule you will loose your card.

Even that alone goes against the grain of sense or logic and is not in line with what other people can do with different presription hard drugs.

Originally it was fear, ignorance, racism, and money that made it illegal. William Hurst's paper industry would have been in competition with hemp paper and would have lost, so he played on peoples fear ignorance and racism in concert with Harry J Anslinger the first anti drug prohibishionist bastard. Not only would hemp have taken a ton of money from those other industries but white women might have slept with black men if pot were legal and black men weren't all in jail after slavery was gone. Penis envy...


Well-Known Member
control and money my dear friend...the oil and pharmaceutical companies dont wanna lose money...and the gov't doesnt want a society of free thinking people...and thats what pot does...makes u think...and question everything...free thinkers are harder to control
that's a great prospective :clap:

I agree with you to an extent but people who smoke every single day will be too burned out to act on their thoughts. lol maybe, I'm not saying that's really true...but that's what I would a assume.


Well-Known Member
I just read this recently, and it explains the whole issue.
Marijuanna ,as its called, isnt the real name. the real name is HEMP.
Hemp is a variety of cannabis but the uneducated people of our society group it in the same class as a drug even though it has no medical effects.

But I want to legalize all forms of cannabis, medical and industrial. How can we do that?

The fact is, we are the government. We elect our Congressmen and Senators. Anyone can run for office, even you. So we are the people that submit and vote on laws. All the President can do is veto our laws. Vote for a pro-pot President and that problem is solved.

Even if a Congressman or Senator is getting big money from large corporations dosen't mean you have to vote for them. You have a choice to vote for anyone pro marijuana. Remember, it only takes 51% of the people to decide who is in office.

The problem is half the nation is too lazy to vote. How can we fix that?

If all the pot smokers are setting at home doing bong hits on election day we'll never win. We need to spread the word. Find out who your local rep is and vote for the pro pot person.

Here in Oregon we elected representatives that voted to legalize medical marijuana. You can too. Don't blame the government, blame your neighbors!


Well-Known Member
Hemp is a variety of cannabis but the uneducated people of our society group it in the same class as a drug even though it has no medical effects.

But I want to legalize all forms of cannabis, medical and industrial. How can we do that?

The fact is, we are the government. We elect our Congressmen and Senators. Anyone can run for office, even you. So we are the people that submit and vote on laws. All the President can do is veto our laws. Vote for a pro-pot President and that problem is solved.

Even if a Congressman or Senator is getting big money from large corporations dosen't mean you have to vote for them. You have a choice to vote for anyone pro marijuana. Remember, it only takes 51% of the people to decide who is in office.

The problem is half the nation is too lazy to vote. How can we fix that?

If all the pot smokers are setting at home doing bong hits on election day we'll never win. We need to spread the word. Find out who your local rep is and vote for the pro pot person.

Here in Oregon we elected representatives that voted to legalize medical marijuana. You can too. Don't blame the government, blame your neighbors!
Good stuff! Join NORML and educate others!


Well-Known Member
I get the don't blame the guvment blame your neighbors part and the lazy stoners who don't vote part.

But even if everyone pro marijuana voted I don't think it would make one bit of difference. Even a president that says they are for decriminalization like Obama is NOT in support of legalization and because the US has forced every other country in the world to bow to our domination as far as drug laws are concerned it would politically look bad to suddenly do a 180 in the old farts minds.

Anyone older than the hippie generation and most people that are conservative or those religeous fuckers won't wote to LEGALIZE ever, they have to die off or learn there is no god or that jesus smoked pot first then maybe they'll change their minds.