WHY MUST THEY DIE? Week 6 Flower 2 Died, others looking Poorly, HELP!


Lads and ladies,
First let me say, i am a patient under my legal limit in my state. Ive been a long time reader here but have not signed up until now. Ive got a hydrofarm ebb and flow system i built myself. it works flawlessly. i have been doing res changes every 2 weeks, the strain is Dutch Passions Euforia. I feel im within one week of a mass die off of all my remaining plants. temps never excede 85, and when they are this high there is constant air exchange. i have an 8" in and an 8" out fan.

Nutes brand: Floranova 2 part
ppm (um) are reading around 1500-2000
ph stays between 5.4 and 5.9
tapwater ppm (um) reading between 200-300

Please help guys, ive had contuinual death under the canopy and keep removing the leaves as they die. i came home from being gone a few days and 2 plant had died. ph was bang on still (i had a friend check on it)



Well-Known Member
how big is your plants? seems like nute burn your PPM is too high also it could be over feed. I would flush out the nutes and feed plain water for a week


Active Member
Try PH between 5.7 and 5.9, 5.4 is way too low. And your ppm is way high as mentioned above, i rarely break 1000 ppm.


Active Member
are you checking your nute temp,I grow in dwc and had a problem with high nute temps and my plants looked like yours do. good luck


my res is 60deg i would guess. i have my res located in the coolest spot in the whole house. teps never exced or approach 70 deg i would guess.


i have many individual packets of ph calibration solution. my ph meter is bang on i promise you. i think i need some more feedback from FloraNova users


Active Member
Either way I would flush with nothing but water for a couple of days. I asked about PH as I had a grow last year where all of the plants looked like yours (and then got worse) it was due to the PH pen being old and giving inaccurate readings, leading to the ph being roughly around 4.0 when it was reading at 5.8. Also I had the plants in DIY bubble pots and the ppm's in the different pots would be all over the place due to feeding through a single res to the flooded pots through plumbing. If your temps are good then it's got to be a prob at the root level. My roots actually looked ok even with the too low PH and fluctuating ppm. FLUSH em until someone more knowledgeable can chime in.


Well-Known Member
Your PH is fine. It looks like you have used far too much fertilizer and toasted them. You have to be very careful with nutrients and your PPM is very very high. 2000 ppm is almost guaranteed to burn unless the circumstances are done right by someone who always reads their plants. I agree with the above that you probably did major damage to your roots too which means now you will have deficiencies as the roots won't uptake much. Do make sure your PH meter is calibrated but the plants are very PH tolerant. You also didn't have enough nitrogen for them. You shouldn't be getting so many yellow leaves. That's what happens when you use MJ specific fertilizers.


It looks like you have used far too much fertilizer and toasted them.
ive dropped my ec reading to 1200uS from nearly 1600uS. hopefully this helps.

You shouldn't be getting so many yellow leaves. That's what happens when you use MJ specific fertilizers.
how do i correct this? i have always had yellowing like this with FloraNova, i did not use half Bloom half Grow for the first few weeks of flower but did try and correct that later on. I did this because initially i thought i had a nitrogen deficency.


Well-Known Member
You are always better off to make sure that N is sufficient early in growing rather than later.

I agree with other poster, the PH seemed a bit low and the TDS was way too high.
It looks as if you have a nutrient defficancy, what are the ppm, how often do you change your res, where is the light located, is the light on a mover or stationary? Are you using proxide for o2 delivery to the roots?


looks like classsic Nute burn to me, but i keep shit simple and grow in a kick ass soilless mix, so wtf do i know?
try draining your res, putting in fresh R.O. water, then adding the nutreints back to the res, keep your total ppm below 1700 ppm.... do not exceed that amount. keep the PH between 5.7 - 5.9 (strive for 5.8).


Active Member
It looks as if you have a nutrient defficancy, what are the ppm, how often do you change your res, where is the light located, is the light on a mover or stationary? Are you using proxide for o2 delivery to the roots?
fail....read the thread his ppm's were hitting 2000, deficiency = impossible unless hes locked out