Why no buds yet?


Well-Known Member
Why are my plants not budding yet? I read other people from ohio already have buds? I have White Rhino and a NL female all showing pistols but no buds? Is this normal for indica?


Well-Known Member
You havent given a enough info. What is your light cycle, or is it out door? Depending on the type of gene's it may take a little bit longer to show sex. If your in doors how long have you been flowering for?


Well-Known Member
Well Jloi this is the outdoor section of the forum.. BUT back to topic, I'm east of ohio, and I have no buds or pre-flower. I can see the bud sites developing though. Some strains take a little longer than others preparing for flower, so your doing fine, and in no time you'll happy to report signs of flower. Another thing to consider is if they're using containers. Plants behave differently when potted, especially when over watered..


Well-Known Member
Well Jloi this is the outdoor section of the forum.. BUT back to topic, I'm east of ohio, and I have no buds or pre-flower. I can see the bud sites developing though. Some strains take a little longer than others preparing for flower, so your doing fine, and in no time you'll happy to report signs of flower. Another thing to consider is if they're using containers. Plants behave differently when potted, especially when over watered..

They are outdoors, in the ground. My biggest one is taller than me! -=)


Well-Known Member
Im in MN and i still havent started flowering yet either, granted im a little north of you but flowering generally shouldnt start till early august


Well-Known Member
are ya singin to it?
I swear ya gotta sing a soft lullaby just before dark
do this for two weeks straight and I guarantee ya .....poof...........flowers


Active Member
JJ, if you're seeing little hairs then you're on time. Right now in the outdoors, flowering is just beginning. You still got 2-3 months left in your region. Most plants 35N and above are gonna finish around end of Sept. to end of October.


Well-Known Member
JJ, if you're seeing little hairs then you're on time. Right now in the outdoors, flowering is just beginning. You still got 2-3 months left in your region. Most plants 35N and above are gonna finish around end of Sept. to end of October.
Thanks man! i thought indica flowered faster lol


Well-Known Member
they dont take as long once they've started to flower but they dont necessarily start any earlier. it differs from strain to strain but everything should be in flower halfway through august.


Well-Known Member
Actually indicas are less sensitive to reduced day length than sativas, but once an indica starts, it will finish. I've had some success with revegging indicas, but it is FAR more difficult than with sativas. Usually, trying reveg indicas just leads to overripe buds.

brandon beri

New Member
indica is usually faster to finish compared to sativas but like dude said they should be starting to swing now and should finish around the first or second week of october. And that could vary, u have to use your best judgment at that time. Look for the pistols on tops to be cloudy. Invest in a good magnified eye piece


Well-Known Member
Thanks again fellas! I will be looking forward to these next couple weeks. I have some 10-54-10 I'm going to apply when I see first signs of actual buds. -=)


cut back on the nitrogen and hit em hard with p + k.......you should see some of the growth stop and preflowers in a couple days........super phosphate 0-45-0....potassium sulfate 0-0-50....1/4 cup mixed into the soil....bulk nutes at any garden store...usually around 1.50 a pound


Well-Known Member

indicas reveg rather easily. the fastest method (by far, seen new reveggrowth in days.)

cut all the buds you want off the plant, leave the lowest buds, those closest to the center, need only keep one, but best to keep several.

you should cut about 3/4 off the top, try to leave some leaves, the more leaves the better.

here is the trick that speeds things up,

roottrim the plant, have the rootball slightly larger than the green. (accounting for soil) just slice it like bread with a big sharp knife,so, to recap, if you cut 75% off the top, the you should cut 70% off the bottom (circa) (you can actually cut more off the plant, as long as you roottrim the bottom equally, but, its easier to make a mistake going smaller,by taking 75% off the top, at most, usually results in a 99% survival, but would drop down to 75% if you cut more off than the 75%)

transplant into whatever container fits (with some new soil added)

without roottrimming, the revegging process will take up to 3 times longer, at least, sometimes much more.

if you reveg without roottrimming, you need to be careful with your waterings and need to feed it some N and micronutes (unnecessary with a transplant)

as the rootball would be much larger than the top and be oversaturated constantly, unless you fed it real, sparingly.

the plant needs to be put into 24 hour light, blue light is better, but hps does the job fine, mh would see new growth, perhaps 2-3 days sooner though.

stronger light is preferable to weaker.

im around if ya have any questions.