Why not decarb IN the oil?

Good to know fellas, thanks for the feedback.

I recently made thc capsules from bubble hash per a recipe I found here. It's the first time an edible has had any noticeable effect on myself, tried store bought several times and thought I was immune. Lol. Turns out it was all weak shit.

The main thing that struck me during the process was the dry baking of the glands. Kinda looked over done and didn't dissolve like I'd expected, figured blending with oil beforehand might help that issue. Along with less mess and extra steps.

I will say though, I thoroughly enjoyed the effects, and could definitely see reducing the amount of flower I smoke throughout the day.
you think butter can be used with this method?

If you use the water added method of making cannabutter cook it up like usual, cool to separate the water from the butter then heat the butter to 250F and watch for the very fine bubbles as the decarb starts usually around 235. When the bubbles have reduced to almost none with a bit of stirring take it off the heat and it's done. If you keep it on the heat longer the THC will be breaking down to CBN which will make it more 'couchlocky' and for some that is a good thing.

Can anyone point me to a "how to" on the all-in-one with oil? I was thinking of getting one of those units off Amazon and it comes with a bunch of extras and one of those was a dish to do the decarbing in. Be cool to get it all done in one shot.
Can anyone point me to a "how to" on the all-in-one with oil? I was thinking of getting one of those units off Amazon and it comes with a bunch of extras and one of those was a dish to do the decarbing in. Be cool to get it all done in one shot.

A 1 cup measuring cup is all I think of as a must have. I used a fork to mix. Couple measuring spoons, pipettes and capsules. I also used a mini spatula, mainly licked everything clean.
If you use the water added method of making cannabutter cook it up like usual, cool to separate the water from the butter then heat the butter to 250F and watch for the very fine bubbles as the decarb starts usually around 235. When the bubbles have reduced to almost none with a bit of stirring take it off the heat and it's done. If you keep it on the heat longer the THC will be breaking down to CBN which will make it more 'couchlocky' and for some that is a good thing.

thanks bud
Figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I just made my first batch of thc pills and most of the recipes and vids decarb before mixing with the oil. Figured there had to be a better way.

There are reasons most knowledgeable people's advice is to decarb dry and before mixing. Consistently is a big reason. Oil or butter insulates canna oil making it hard to get a consistent decarb time after time.

This is the same reason you can bake brownies at 300+F without over decarbing the canna oil. The mix insulates the canna oil.

Google " decarb myths" , if your interested just or looking to make the best edibles, you will find this and other myths debunked. Lots of hits for this search.
There are reasons most knowledgeable people's advice is to decarb dry and before mixing. Consistently is a big reason. Oil or butter insulates canna oil making it hard to get a consistent decarb time after time.

It's just as easy to be consistent doing the decarb after extraction as it is before so I don't see an issue.

Reach the required temp and maintain for the required time. It's not rocket surgery.
It's just as easy to be consistent doing the decarb after extraction as it is before so I don't see an issue.

Reach the required temp and maintain for the required time. It's not rocket surgery.
Gotta agree, I used to decarb before hand now I let the oil do it for me.. Absolutely no difference!
Heat is heat before or after..