Why not decarb IN the oil?

I've done it like that using '00' caps in a Cap-m-Quik filler unit that does 50 at a time. Get some syringes and a big bore needle like 10 or 12 gauge. Farm supply places usually have a vet section. Short is better.

Any tips or tricks for further separation of oil and water when sep funnels aren't doing the trick? Sitting at most water drained off the funnel....doesn't look emulsified still but has a cloudy color to it....
Any tips or tricks for further separation of oil and water when sep funnels aren't doing the trick? Sitting at most water drained off the funnel....doesn't look emulsified still but has a cloudy color to it....
Put the mixture in a straight-sided jar (no taper below the mouth). Put upside down in the fridge overnight. The oil will solidify on the top (bottom) and the water can be poured out. Then you're left with a puck of solid oil that you can pat dry or shave the outer edges off of to remove any remaining water.

Edit: I've learned it's better to just make a large enough quantity that you don't need to add water and can just do everything directly in the oil.
Any tips or tricks for further separation of oil and water when sep funnels aren't doing the trick? Sitting at most water drained off the funnel....doesn't look emulsified still but has a cloudy color to it....
after I do my initial straining of the solids I usually put it in a tupperwre container and freeze it. Then pop it out the next day and rinse the ice off the bottom with cold water.
I've been doing it like that for a couple years now. Saves terpenes and gets the last of the solvent out without a vac chamber. Either just oil or pot that's been cooked up in coconut or other veg oils.


New user, can't thank you enough for this linked "budder" information, hours of google searching to verify this process works, although the chemistry says it should :-) . Making first infusion and will follow this method. Has anyone found a reasonably priced, single step, temperature controlled, personal appliance that would support this method for between 1 and 2 cups of infusion/oil with retained terpenes?
New user, can't thank you enough for this linked "budder" information, hours of google searching to verify this process works, although the chemistry says it should :-) . Making first infusion and will follow this method. Has anyone found a reasonably priced, single step, temperature controlled, personal appliance that would support this method for between 1 and 2 cups of infusion/oil with retained terpenes?
I have a levo II, there is a tutorial on Youtube where you bypass the stock canister holder and just use the pot with a filter in it and you can load it up pretty good.
The best stuff I've made was decarbed sativa hash powder in brownies. Always literally made me smile from feeling great and no indica burnout.
I started out long ago just heating pot in butter on a stovetop. With and without water.
I just made some oil. I hadn't done it in awhile and was starting to infuse and realized I forgot to decarb. I tried to heat it and fix it. Didn't work. I reinfused this oil and now it has a lot of CBN. So next time I won't forget to decarb.
If I was not decarbing I would heat butter up on the stovetop.
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