Why not to vote


Well-Known Member
George Carlin, why he doesn't vote. Couldn't have said it any better myself. 4 minutes dudes and dudettes. Check it out.


Carlin is right about politicians but wrong about our citizenry. We will never get a government that works unless we have a population that believes it can work. This is why our government has become less and less effective and it is why we see ever more idiotic people running for office. Why would any bright, motivated person opt to join an organization that is widely believed doesn't and can't work? the only answer to this is - in order to profit from it personaly, in order to game it or subvert it to his own ends.


Well-Known Member

Obama: not a tax.

Supreme Court: it's a tax

Obama: my bad.

This just proves, no matter political leaning, the justices are bought and paid for. Just more evidence voting does fucking jack shit.

So you figure that Roberts was bought and paid for by Obama. Obama called a guy who has a history of conservative rulings and a conservative viewpoint and a lifetime tenure as the most powerful man in the United States, a man who is capable of changing U.S. history with every stroke of his pen for the next 30 or so years and his nemisis sent him a big bag of $100's and said "it's a tax dude, ok?"



Well-Known Member
I really don't think it matters..they both suck and don't give a fuck about you or me.

It matters a great deal. It matters because of who each candidate might place on the Supreme Court. If you don't see that now, just wait and see what happens to us if Romney stacks a conservative court.


Well-Known Member
What has Obama done that Mccain would not have? Obama had the country behind him..he could have really made a huge difference..All that talk about getting troops home and not wasting $ over seas and having a more transparent gov..and removing lobbyists from the equation..it was all bullshit..he has not delivered on one god damn thing he campaigned on..the dems controlled the house and senate his first 2 years and he got absolutely nothing done...he is no different then bush or romney or mccain..all professional liars.


Well-Known Member
It matters a great deal. It matters because of who each candidate might place on the Supreme Court. If you don't see that now, just wait and see what happens to us if Romney stacks a conservative court.

Oh you mean like one day the police can knock on your door say they smell weed and break it down? too late ..it is happening..out rights erode daily and the SCJ are part of the problem not the solution.


Well-Known Member
Oh you mean like one day the police can knock on your door say they smell weed and break it down? too late ..it is happening..out rights erode daily and the SCJ are part of the problem not the solution.

Do you really think that is all there is to it?


Well-Known Member
Thats cool, never tried to deter anyone from voting..but to say I have no right to opine on politics because I don't vote is crazy.
But the OP is doing that. All because Ron Paul didn't make it. NOw he wants the world to burn. What a little Bitch


Well-Known Member
What has Obama done that Mccain would not have? Obama had the country behind him..he could have really made a huge difference..All that talk about getting troops home and not wasting $ over seas and having a more transparent gov..and removing lobbyists from the equation..it was all bullshit..he has not delivered on one god damn thing he campaigned on..the dems controlled the house and senate his first 2 years and he got absolutely nothing done...he is no different then bush or romney or mccain..all professional liars.

He instituted the biggest and ultimately the most effective stiumulus package ever created that will improve America greatly. He instituted a health care plan where no other president has been able and he managed to kill our most hated enemy.

As far as his not getting things done? Blame Republicans for that.


Well-Known Member
Oh you mean like one day the police can knock on your door say they smell weed and break it down? too late ..it is happening..out rights erode daily and the SCJ are part of the problem not the solution.
I was apathetic until canndo pointed something important out to me: it's about what we want in a Supreme Court nominee. That is the most direct power wielded by a President, even if (especially because!) its consequences are not immediately obvious, and also because those consequences can last decades. cn

Your vote will do one thing, determine The type of Supreme Court Judge we might have in the next nomination.
JMO but I believe Obama would pick a nomanee more in line with my views.

If you are voting to change the economy good luck.


Well-Known Member
I was apathetic until canndo pointed something important out to me: it's about what we want in a Supreme Court nominee. That is the most direct power wielded by a President, even if (especially because!) its consequences are not immediately obvious, and also because those consequences can last decades. cn

Your vote will do one thing, determine The type of Supreme Court Judge we might have in the next nomination.
JMO but I believe Obama would pick a nomanee more in line with my views.

If you are voting to change the economy good luck.

It is not necessarily the big decisons with SCOTUS, it is the smaller things, the proceedural ones, the ones that say that (perahps) overflights of survelance vehicles result in illegal evidence. It is saying that a person can refuse to confront the police, or that infra red pictures of the outside of houses are inadmissable in court. It is a ruling that civil forfeiture is unconstitutional or one has a right not to speak when arrested.

Now I know that some of these things has been found not in the citizens' favor but my point is that the small things are the ones that give individual citizens the leverage he needs to stand up against government and in many many cases, it is a conservative court that diminishes these little balances, that removes the small powers that make so much difference, from citizens and gives it to Government.

These things add up. Conservatives claim that they want smaller government, less powerful government and yet their judges never find for the individual and always for the convenience of the government. But they have convinced Republicans that there are only two worthwhile endeavors for the courts, property rights and gun rights - all the while diminishing the true liberties of the individual in favor of a more and more powerful government.


Active Member
He instituted the biggest and ultimately the most effective stiumulus package ever created that will improve America greatly. He instituted a health care plan where no other president has been able and he managed to kill our most hated enemy. As far as his not getting things done? Blame Republicans for that.
lol, was that kool-aide you swallowed yellow? You know your hero has zero business experience, he never even ran a kool-aide stand.


Well-Known Member
The stimulus gave a temp jolt to the economy and that has worn off already or it will soon...What about the bailouts to wallstreet and the banks keeping all that money and using it on bonds..he is either retarded or corrupt..neither are good in a leader.the healthcare bill is in theory a great idea..there needs to be reform but after the gop chopped the bill into pieces I have my doubts about the effectiveness ....I could change the economy very quickly if given the chance and I am a dumbass! it is pure greed that is holding us back...I am of the mindset that no matter who is in is corrupted and useless..that includes that supreme court justices.


Well-Known Member
lol, was that kool-aide you swallowed yellow? You know your hero has zero business experience, he never even ran a kool-aide stand.

so you saw her speech last night. . . and you claim I am the one drinking the coolaid? really?

The Constitution of the United States did not establish a business, the United States is not a business and it has no place being a business. Strange that the right on the one hand claims that the U.S. has no place in the practice of business and yet on the other it seems to think that we need a businessman as a leader. We had a businessman as president last time - look where it got us.


Well-Known Member
The stimulus gave a temp jolt to the economy and that has worn off already or it will soon...What about the bailouts to wallstreet and the banks keeping all that money and using it on bonds..he is either retarded or corrupt..neither are good in a leader.the healthcare bill is in theory a great idea..there needs to be reform but after the gop chopped the bill into pieces I have my doubts about the effectiveness ....I could change the economy very quickly if given the chance and I am a dumbass! it is pure greed that is holding us back...I am of the mindset that no matter who is in is corrupted and useless..that includes that supreme court justices.

A large part of that stiumlus went to infrastructure and scientific enterprises. Ask the Republicans who publicly claimed the stimulus didn't create jobs but privately attributed specific numbers of added or saved jobs to the money they received.

Bailouts? you mean TARP? That was Bush.

how would you change the economy quickly Corso?


Well-Known Member
got this off the sports message board I post on....what do ya think...good dolphin wrote:While I recognize the obstructionist intent of the republican legislature, I'm not sure Obama has earned my second vote. The most striking thing to me is the fundamental lack of change between the Obama and Bush administrations. Every chance Obama has encountered to tear down the walls of secrecy and the overreaching of the executive that bush built around the presidency, he has chosen to continue the policies. Executive privelege, patriot act, assassinating citizens, etc. As I have said, government does not conceed power once it has been granted without revoluation of some type. I thought the election of our first AA president signaled that type of revolution and he lead me to believe it did. Nope. Instead, he has built on the back of bush. Good luck trying to get that genie back in the bottle in the future. The facts of 9/11 will be blip 100 years from now, like the sinking of the Lusitania. I think it will much more be remembered as the day we lost our government and a war against the american people by its administrations began.


Ursus marijanus
An interesting opinion, Corso, but i see a defect in it: the concept of "earning" a vote. The game isn't about that any more ... just being perceived as the lesser of two evils ... and that isn't about earning votes but dissuading votes for the other guy. That poster didn't mention how he imagines the other candidate would influence those issues or be a better/worse choice. cn


Well-Known Member
got this off the sports message board I post on....what do ya think...good dolphin wrote:While I recognize the obstructionist intent of the republican legislature, I'm not sure Obama has earned my second vote. The most striking thing to me is the fundamental lack of change between the Obama and Bush administrations. Every chance Obama has encountered to tear down the walls of secrecy and the overreaching of the executive that bush built around the presidency, he has chosen to continue the policies. Executive privelege, patriot act, assassinating citizens, etc. As I have said, government does not conceed power once it has been granted without revoluation of some type. I thought the election of our first AA president signaled that type of revolution and he lead me to believe it did. Nope. Instead, he has built on the back of bush. Good luck trying to get that genie back in the bottle in the future. The facts of 9/11 will be blip 100 years from now, like the sinking of the Lusitania. I think it will much more be remembered as the day we lost our government and a war against the american people by its administrations began.

I cannot and will not defend Obama on his record regarding executive privelege, secrecy and the civil rights infractions surrounding our war on terror. I am curious as to why those who so loudly cry about those abuses were so silent when Bush perpetrated them. Your quote says that Bush started these abuses and then goes on to claim that getting the genie back in the bottle is impossible. If that is so, then let us blame the one who opened the bottle.

Now, consider that Romney is even more willing to defer to the wants of the military and has said nothing against Obama's actions. His silence is indication that he will at least perpetuate Obama's and Bush's policies if not enhance them to our disadvantage as citizens.