You said health care was not in the constitution. Well, I stated not even our economic system is in the constitution. Most things are not, but most like the US highway system are good idea's.
The federal highway system is Constitutional.
You criticize the people that decriminalized while you support people who demonize it. In you're post you basically put yourself on one side and demonized the other.
I criticize Progressives because their policies damage the country. But, many times I have voiced support for
anyone forwarding the cause of decriminalization, medical cannabis, or re-legalization.
I'm on the side of liberty. Perhaps you should get to know some of us here before you go shooting off your keyboard because
obviously you don't know diddly about my positions on anything.
Clinton was not a liberal not one thing he passed was "liberal" decriminalization is liberal and so is legalization.
started out quite Liberal.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the monumentally high
tax increase which required a tie-breaking vote in the Senate from Al Gore, and the
Brady Bill. But Clinton is a very intelligent man and a shrewd politician. After the drubbing his party received in 1994 as a
direct result of his Liberal policies, he was hamstrung by a Republican Congress. As a result, employed a technique he called 'triangulation.' Clinton gets a lot of credit, but in the last six years of his administration he signed most of the acts for which he gets credit
reluctantly. Welfare reform and the balanced budget were
Republican initiatives. And the great economy Clinton gets credit for was largely due to the Y2K scare. Billions upon billions of dollars were spent both privately and publicly to avert Y2K. This energized the economy and created the tech bubble which collapsed shortly afterward. In other words, he was
lucky to be able to preside over a healthy economy.
Clinton did many harmful things to the country. Fucked up Somalia, admittedly an inherited conflict, but his actions under the criminally incompetent William Christopher embarrassed the country. In fact, it was Clinton's response to Somalia that demonstrated to Osama bin Laden that the U.S. could be beaten. He gutted the CIA, preferring political correctness to effective intelligence. He virtually ignored the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and then treated it as a law enforcement matter instead of what it was - an act of war. He presided over Ruby Ridge and Waco, both of which were handled badly, breeding a great deal of distrust among common folks. In fact, it was Waco that was directly connected to the Oklahoma City bombing. He sent American troops to deal with a
European crisis in Bosnia. Ultimately bombing Sarajevo at the urging of the war criminal Madeline Albright. When two American Embassies in East Africa were bombed he sent a few cruise missiles into the desert. When confronted with a legitimate opportunity to kill or capture bin Laden, he chose to do nothing, preferring to '
mention' him to George Bush on his first day in office. Al Queda bombing of American military facilities in Saudi Arabia 1995 - no effective response from Clinton. Same thing goes for the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen in 2000. Clinton projected
weakness to the lsamists throughout both terms and they
capitalized on it.
And Clinton did not do one fucking thing in favor of cannabis. In fact, his cowardly 'I did not inhale' probably did more damage to our movement because it showed he was not serious about helping. Funding for the
War on Drugs increased under Clinton, as did cannabis related arrests, and our prison population. Don't lecture me on how wonderful the Democrats are in reference to the
War on Drugs because the historical record indicates otherwise.
And Presidents can't pass
anything. Congress passes legislation and the President signs it or vetos it. The Vice-President, as President of the Senate has more power to pass legislation than the POTUS. Smart Presidents shepherd their agenda through Congress.
In fact you really can't find a better use for the the word "liberal" as in "liberal drug policies"
you are muddling up terms. The literary definition of liberal differs
markedly from the political definition.
What conservatives in office do you support that support your ideas? Being a "Jeffersonian liberal" means squat. That's what most conservatives think they are. It's just that many of them believe it's constitutional to put someone in prison for a little bag of weed.
I support Ron Paul. He's one of
very few Republicans I do support. Most of the politicians I support you probably have never heard of. In fact, I have feeling you have never heard the name of the person I voted for President last election: Chuck Baldwin of the
Constitution Party.
Your statement about Jeffersonian Liberals indicates your own
ignorance. Many Republicans have no idea what it means to be Conservative. They have bought into the misguided Progressive notion that the U.S. was founded as a democracy. They support the
fascist policies of the Democratic party which has led to the
Corporatism Progressives call Capitalism.