Why so cheap? Sub $300 w- 1000 watt Spider Farmer

Ask me if I ever heard the end of that from the more experienced guys in the shop. Every week I'd stay in the shop when the tool trucks arrived because "snap on is a ripoff".
They definetly got a kick out of busting my balls for weeks after the fact.
To be fair harbor freight has its place for home tools and things you may use only a few times.
For sure. Their free measuring tapes and LED flashlights are great, lol.
The other one I was looking at is https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DLZW7TP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Its got a 2 month return window, I could almost try a whole flowering cycle. So is this garbage like the previous E bay one. Seems a lot more honest. Mentions using SANAN Led chips, the top quality led chip brand in CHINA , IDK if that means anything LOL. I kinda quit messing with electronics after SMD took over, my eyes and hands aren't that good. :)

So is this Snap-on vs Craftsman- or the $1 store?