Why So Droopy.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
thats the thing the plant is likke growin into the cfl its less then 2 inches above it like no matter what i study on this web site my plants are like f*ck you and do what they want
Some plants are like that. Sativas arent going to stay short just because the light is close. My power skunk was like that and I tied her down ever couple of days. I kept tieing her down around the pot then tied down all the branches. I managed to keep to to about 26" in late flowering. You will just have to watch it and keep pulling her down


Active Member
I had the same issue with my plants. It happens when one of two things happen, sometime when the lights first come on in the morning from the night time they are not reaching towards the light so the leafs appear to be just hanging down then after about an hour they are reaching for the light again. Also this happens when they need water, sometimes I dont come home on the day that they need to be watered and they are thirsty and they are drooping down. For the people that have their plants falling over you should tie they up with a stick so they have some extra support and put a fan blowing on them to promote strong stem growth.


Active Member
Spray them with a high phos that will build up thick growth. I would also purchase superthrive hormone supelment good for root growth short internodes that will produce fat buds buy it it's the bomb I have been useing it for years was hard to find but now most hydro stores carry it a couple years ago I turned a lady on to it at a grow store cause she said her babys looked sick I just ran into to her the other day she was buying a gallon i said you like that stuff and looked at me and was so happy that I told her about it she told me that her plants produce way more than ever look so healthy and grow alot faster she said she stop useing it for a while and noticed her plants were not the same with out it. You should only use cfl's for sprouts and cuttings I'm totaly against cfl's for your main source of light once my cuttings are ready they go under a 250 argos. I see alot of people useing cfls all the way through and the plants just dont look healty skinny stem long internodes get a real light air cooled and have plenty of air circulation. I justed started some seeds no room under the 250 put the under the 430 and they love it. But I think you need to spray some high Phosphorus on them and have good air flow good luck