why so much power trippin?

Astral Zoom

Active Member
fyi Lady Z, playboy has great reads and 12 nights in a row? thats all? hehe

And old play boys are the best. way less spamand way funnier reads.

I once stumbled upon an old decrepit storage building with playboys dating back to 1970's or so, those mags make everyones pics of their plants on this site look like tiny lil babies, the old school mag all have very impressive and abundant "bushes" in their own right!! hahah im in da cloudz

but back to this topic, of which I do not have any input or direct experience so I wont fill the thread w/ unrelated non-sense...

wait... damn too late... I just did... grrr


Well-Known Member
shit man. that sucks. yea, sort of that kind of day for me too. 2 hour commute to work, work for 8.5 hours, 2 hour commute home. Monday through Friday. Good times.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty much what I was gonna ssay...
The internet is FULL of Trolls and Asshats.. people who come online to say and do what they can't or don't have the balls to do or say in real life..

have a bad day at work? Go online and Fuck with Mods...
Kids being a problem? Go online and fuck with the newbies..
Mommy and Daddy treating you like a little kid? Go online and Fuck with anyone who doesn't agree with you on everything....
Got no life, living in your parents basement in your 4-day-old undies eating cheetos, drinking beer, and reading old copies of playboy for the 12th night in a row???? Go online and be a troll...

I mean- well-- You get the point.....
i read this while hitting a bowl and end up laughing and blowing water out my bowl piece hahahaha awesome


Well-Known Member
the first bolded statement contradicts the second. just thought you should know.

oh and your first statement is a double negative. i know what you meant to say though...
lol alright thanks for clearing that up man :P haha il go smoke another one now, my rant for the month is over :)

Super Toker

Active Member
I like the site even though Ive only made 2 friends. I make my posts and take whatever criticism I get with a grain of salt. When you open up to the world of people you dont actually know you cant have thin skin!