As far as Im concern I have never seen any thieves call the cops,He knows better,he just wants everybody to forget about him.OOOHHH caligrown called the police,im so scared.Cons like him want to stay as far as possible from the cops.I say "bluff".

Dont believe that for a second,tip lines & crime stoppers get tip's & investigative leads every day over disgruntled business dealings, or from fuk heads like cali who fuk people over then use the police as a weapon to cover their tracks or to help them out of a bad situation they created to start with.
Law enforcement counts on situations
EXACTLY LIKE THIS ONE infact i'd be willing to bet it's one of their best ways of gathering information that couldnt be obtained under any other situation,friends know things about each other that other people would never be privy of & the police are drooling in anticipation of getting this information.
Anybody remember the thread from firebrandjr18 where he was turned into a tip line by a friend ?
People like caligrown will allways call the cops & the reason why is because they wont admit its their fault,they tell themselves that they were trying to do the right thing but werent given enough time to pull it together,or that they dont deserve to be publicly outed,threatened or have cause to be in fear or retribution,cali has watched this shit escalate from him being called out as a thief to threats of vandelism on his car to threats of violence against his person,these threats are born out of a situation that has bothered him & given him much anxiety over the last few months,he's racked his brain trying to come up with ways to repay the act's of kindness bestowed on him by several people & obviously cant find a way.
You guy's need to look at the big picture here,the way cali is acting & the things he's doing are not normal,stealing from a friend is an act of desperation,stealing from a sick person is an act of desperation,what do you think the next step a desperate person would make,it's to either start getting busy with the violence & escalate the situation even further or to call the cops & feds,drop dime & wait for the police & courts to apply enough presure to make the situation he's created go away.
Does anybody not see how easy it is for people to call the police just by whats taken place so far in these threads or how quickly the threat of police involvement comes into play ? all its taken for cali to mention going to the cops is these threads & he's announced his thoughts about going to the police allready.
Frenchy & fdd.
Dig this,both you guys are better off having a "friend" who cant be trusted then you are to have an enemy who feels slighted or has reason to fear,having enemy's goes both ways,having enemy's give's reason to watch your own back's,if it were me i'd call cali & come up with a way for him to get himself out of this situation,a way for him to save face,not a way for large amounts of money to be repaid but a way to take away any reason he might have to take this to the next level,have him fix yoiur cars,mow your lawns,paint your houses,give this man a dignified out of this situation & walk away with a hand shake.
Your better off owning a mans didnity & humility then you are of owning his fear,men who are afraid make dangerous decisions.