Why thc farmer sucks ass

Lol I got banned cause I called all the dirt growers useless bc they all tried talking me into growing soil. I said not my fault your to stupid to grow dwc.then a staff member came and gave me shit. So I told him he reminded me of a little dog talks mad shit like a little dog barking when someone's knocking at the door but as soon as I walk in you hide under the couch little bitch. Lol
LIFETIME BAN bahahahaha fuck thc farmer can suck my dick. Bunch of know it alls that don't know shiat lol.
:roll: to stupid?
Not insulting dirt growers at all. Just the ones that were liping me. Lol the title of the post said. Don't try to talk me into dirt. Please just help me with dwc then the first guy says it's to hard you'll fail. So I said it's not my fault your to stupid to do it. Sorry if that came across as a rip on dirt in no way am I saying that. I respect anyone who has the ability to grow except the fuck heads at thc farmer.
Not insulting dirt growers at all. Just the ones that were liping me. Lol the title of the post said. Don't try to talk me into dirt. Please just help me with dwc then the first guy says it's to hard you'll fail. So I said it's not my fault your to stupid to do it. Sorry if that came across as a rip on dirt in no way am I saying that. I respect anyone who has the ability to grow except the fuck heads at thc farmer.
My buds grow quick in dwc
Yeah I'm gonna try dwc. I figure if it's hard good didn't ask for easy and if I can pull it off then I'm ahead of the game. I just wanna get my sis some good meds and the same for myself.
THC Farmer (the farm) is a complete fucking joke.Worst website ever!!!I will never again go to this site and I ask that anyone who has an account there to leave them ASAP!!!!!!They moderate the hell out of everything.If they don't like or agree with what you say they just delete your post/ or thread without telling or explaining to you why.They do not let you post anything with DNA Genetics in it...or whatever else they dont like at the moment..bullshit..The moderators have some personal thing against them.i posted all sorts of pictures and comments on threads only to find all my shit deleted just like that.They just said we do not allow DNA Genetic posts.This is after they approved them all and they had been up for a week or 2.Poof gone just like that..
THC FARM= Bunch of asshole pricks who run the site like hitler.BAN THE FARM

ROLLLITUP KICKS ASS over the farm all day
Im new here, i orederd seeds from thc farmer. They contacted me to let me know that one pack i ordered they was out of and to pick another strain. That was over a week ago, still waiting on the new strain i picked out. Emailed them like 3 times now, still nothing.
I’ve bought seeds from thc farmer and got freebies with the order. Everything was as advertised. I don’t have a problem with that site. Met quite a few good people and good growers on there. I help people often there.
I’ve bought seeds from thc farmer and got freebies with the order. Everything was as advertised. I don’t have a problem with that site. Met quite a few good people and good growers on there. I help people often there.
Hello new old member, you've had this account for 9 years and you've only made 2 posts, both today. I find that fascinating. Anyway welcome to RIU, I hope you find what you are looking for. Please post often and praise Rolli.
Hello new old member, you've had this account for 9 years and you've only made 2 posts, both today. I find that fascinating. Anyway welcome to RIU, I hope you find what you are looking for. Please post often and praise Rolli.
Image result for great catch prey gif
Ya he's a pos he got like 30 packs on consignment from us maybe 50 and is sold out of most and tries to say they haven't sold originally and now just doesnt answer us lmfao
Ya he's a pos he got like 30 packs on consignment from us maybe 50 and is sold out of most and tries to say they haven't sold originally and now just doesnt answer us lmfao

1st., as far as logic is concerned you should have done your homework before dealing with him. it's your fault dude and maybe this lesson will make you do things in a more practical way. There's plenty of information on logic to warn folks to not fuck with him at all. not vetting a vendor is a huge fail.

so far as the farm is concerned there are many many good folks there and that's always been the case. the know it all comments always seem to come from folks who don't know much imho. there are exceptions though. ijs
1st., as far as logic is concerned you should have done your homework before dealing with him. it's your fault dude and maybe this lesson will make you do things in a more practical way. There's plenty of information on logic to warn folks to not fuck with him at all. not vetting a vendor is a huge fail.

so far as the farm is concerned there are many many good folks there and that's always been the case. the know it all comments always seem to come from folks who don't know much imho. there are exceptions though. ijs
This is from years ago I sent him it and wtf are you talking about know it all comments i literally said what happened and even put lmfao I knew I fucked up once I talked to doc just was posting what happened and never once said anything about bad people on there? How much you drink before trying to read my comment to make shit up? What type of fuck shit do you think I said slappy? Like why you trying to talk shit? The thread is called why thc farmer sucks ass and I commented why thru my experience which somehow makes it a know it all comment?
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THCfarmer is bullshit man, spend $410 on seeds about 4 and a half week ago and nothing came in, when I made a thread about it asking why they keep ignoring my emails, my account got banned for "spam"... Didn't know starting one thread is considered spam. DO NOT BUY FROM THERE LOGIC, IS A KNOWN SCAMMER and a piece of shit at that. Not to long ago he was claiming like the crybaby he is that someone stole his money and seed so was begging like a little bitch for everyone to donate money to him, pathetic.