Why the fuck is this.


This is about a plant I grew 5 months ago called advanced auto skunk. Until now I've become very curious for an answer.

Couple weeks before harvest I cut off a bud that had spider webs on it. I inspected inside the calyx's and found one full grown seed.

The plant was an auto and feminised and my only plant so how did it grow a seed? It never turned hermie and no signs of ball sacks.

That was the only seed I found in the whole plant.
Why is it grew 1 seed when it's auto and feminised?


Well-Known Member
This is about a plant I grew 5 months ago called advanced auto skunk. Until now I've become very curious for an answer.

Couple weeks before harvest I cut off a bud that had spider webs on it. I inspected inside the calyx's and found one full grown seed.

The plant was an auto and feminised and my only plant so how did it grow a seed? It never turned hermie and no signs of ball sacks.

That was the only seed I found in the whole plant.
Why is it grew 1 seed when it's auto and feminised?
Could have been a nanner inside a bud you did not see also a slight chance outdoor pollen got in it happens to the best of us no big deal occasionally people will find a seed in seedless bud nature just finds a way sometimes.

Just noticed your only looking for ball sacks? Cause you need to look for them little nanners as well some can throw a small amount of pollen if you don't know what they look like try searching they ain't the same as ball sacks like a true male has can't really think how to explain what they look like though.