Why the panic?


Well-Known Member
WTF is up with cannabis induced panic? I mean WTF, I hate it! It drives me insane? Sometimes when I have more than I can get really nervous! My heart starts beating like wild and I have a very hard time calming down. Do you too? What do you do about it?:-|


Well-Known Member
The same shit happens to me. I usually lay in bed and try to make myself go to sleep. Tell yourself it's all in your head and it'll go away soon. If i'm not feeling too sick to eat then i will. It helps sober me up. I HATE the fast beating heart crap. Sometimes i'll get really cold too and shake from it. Crazy weed will do that to ya. lol. Funny thing is we keep doing it.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis heightens the complexity of your thought processes in your head, meaning you focus on things more than you would normally. Normally a paranoid thought may pass through your head for a split second and youd dismiss it. However on weed whether you want to or not you think about it a lot more to the point where your subliminal thoughts believe it could be true, making your body act in said way. Its shit isnt it lol. I end up locking all windows etc if i get like that otherwise i cant sleep lol


Well-Known Member
yea i hate it it happens when im high and i walk along the side of the road. All the beeping and driving makes me really nervous and I try to keep my eyes wide open and not little slits. Its sooooo hard doing that!


Well-Known Member
I have never had that happen to me but I do have a friend that quit smoking because of it. Ya his heart would beat like crazy and he would have cold sweats and shit. Sorry to hear that it affects you like that.
When I was in Amsterdam they told me that if I needed to sober up glucose(sugar) will help with that process. Its supposed to bind to THC and weaken it or something. I'm just reiterating not saying that I made up this medical finding. But whenever I have really sugary drinks it seems to bring my high down. Give it a try and let me know.


Ron Paul rEVOLution


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I've never had it too bad, but I would definitely get a touch of paranoia back when I was home for the summer in my parents house. I would smoke up every night and then be agonizingly careful to not make a sound. It actually became kind of a fun game when I learned to keep my instincts in check by my logical reasoning. I just kept telling myself there was really nothing to worry about, but nonetheless lets make sure we open the back door reeeeeal slowly so it doesn't squeak, and make sure we avoid that floor board that creaks, oh and when we start stuffing our face from the fridge make sure all those glass bottles don't clink together! I'd basically just let my instincts run with its "ooh I'm a big bad criminal" thing while my higher consciousness played along without really buying it.


Well-Known Member
OK, here is a theory guys, tell me what you think.
I get the same thing from time to time, I'm not sure yet, but it seems that this occurs mainly with weed that has been harvested early. I am rather tuned in to my body, so I know what to do right away, like no more coffee, eat some, relax, and most important don't let your mind blow it way out of proportion ;)
My money is on clear trics, what do you guys think? For some any weed may push them into anxiety, thank god I do not have that going on!



Well-Known Member
Well it happened to my mate in amsterdam big time and he was smoking some dank weed from GreenHouse coffeeshop. Im pretty sure that would predominantly amber trichs. As it got us couch locked to hell.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I quit 25 years ago, with the exception of grading my harvest, Prior to that, a joint would lay around for 1 year. With that, I just quit. I quit because my brain wouldn't stop turning, plus the weight it puts on my shoulders. Fuck that. As Tom T. Hall said, "I like beer".


Well-Known Member
My theory is that it is like becoming drunk within 15 minutes. If you take too many hits all at once, it has a big affect on our bodies because we may not be expecting it to take us so far so quick. When I smoke with friends, usually we take a hit walk somewhere and in 15 minutes we take another one. Over the course of the night we have 4-5 hits and the high is very relaxing with very little stress, only like noises and stuff. I think it has a lot to do with the quick onset. What makes me paranoid is if the stuff thats smoked is bought from somewhere. You never know what people put in it. That also makes me paranoid right from the start. One time I had 4 big ones and the rest in the bong ( 2 small hits ) and my heart went ape shit. I had to start watching the simpsons to calm down, but that was hard. After about 20-25 I was super relaxed but kinda twitchy.
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I know i smoke some very very good hydro no clue what strain it was , but i went to the fridge to get a drink and all the sudden i felt really strange . Like i was dying or something like a heart attck .... I almsot called out to my roommates sleeping down the hall . My room was just cross the kitchen and it took everything in me to make it in the room . Well the next day i told my mate as we drove to work and he was like " What ? Yeah right dude " and laughing at me . He asked me did ya take one of your pills .. i was on seroquel at the time . And i was like nah dude " i thought i was dying " he laughed . Well that day was a friday and we went to a buddies house after work and i brought more of that hydro out with us , as we was BBQing we was smoking and wtf happens ..... my friend the one who was like STFU was having the same feelings i did . It made him sit down on the ground right where he stood .. LOL i was like HELL YEAH BITCH see what i was saying ...


Well-Known Member
I've never experienced pot-induced panic. The only bad highs I've had are the ones that don't last long.


Well-Known Member
i was also at the green house coffeeshop!
Same thing happened to me there aswell.
I smoked that trainwreck of theirs and was blasted through the fires of hell.
The coffee shop owner kept insisting in him rolling the 6 fatest joints ive ever seen.
We smoked it all and...Thats were my memory stops :D
Ive got the same problem but i eat sugarie products and drink soda or dairy products when that happens.
I get real paranoid that my neighboors might smell the smoke and thus calling the cops on me and thus them busting me with smoke and possesion AND busting me for growing 15 plants.Landlord will find out etc.
Now hows that for paranoia!
Some extra tips would be welcome?