Why the "White Ash Test" is Bullshit


Active Member
Flushing is kinda a misplaced word. If you are holding back nutrients or water the last two weeks you are still technically flushing.
Try feeding at full ppm right till harvest day, you will get harsher smoke.
This just gives the plant time to use up what its stored, so you dont smoke it.
If you really wanna try experimenting, give your plant a blast of nitrogen the last few weeks. See how that smokes.
If im using anything chelated i def want to “flush”
If one day science proves this all to be bull fine, i wont risk my health till then. If your giving your herb to others i think you have a moral responsibility to reduce potential harms until you can be sure they dont exist.
I hope that last sentence sinks in..........


Flushing is kinda a misplaced word. If you are holding back nutrients or water the last two weeks you are still technically flushing.
Try feeding at full ppm right till harvest day, you will get harsher smoke.
This just gives the plant time to use up what its stored, so you dont smoke it.
If you really wanna try experimenting, give your plant a blast of nitrogen the last few weeks. See how that smokes.
If im using anything chelated i def want to “flush”
If one day science proves this all to be bull fine, i wont risk my health till then. If your giving your herb to others i think you have a moral responsibility to reduce potential harms until you can be sure they dont exist.
I hope that last sentence sinks in..........
Yeah I agree the exact chemical composition is not known and you got to get them work nutes off push em hard make. I am using coco perlite and its very forgiving but the temptation to push to many nutes through is an error it will lock or add so many compounds to the carbon atoms it is any ones guess what is up these days people can get sick smoking weed to me biggest challenge is to learn to grow the cleanest way and keeping ECC PH correct. Flushing could reduce ECC I guess its trial and error and talking to experienced growers there are so many approaches but the biology and chemistry is a guide. Diminished carbon molecules holding nutes makes sense have carbo hydrates makes sense and curing would break those carbo hydrates tetra hydracannaboids into a mild ferment as the compounds break down and form new molecule's you would not want nutes in that mix. If the weed is clean you feel healthy it is heavy in compounds from growth you feel different and yes I agree we have a responsiblility to share clean weed

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Flushing is kinda a misplaced word. If you are holding back nutrients or water the last two weeks you are still technically flushing.
Try feeding at full ppm right till harvest day, you will get harsher smoke.
This just gives the plant time to use up what its stored, so you dont smoke it.
If you really wanna try experimenting, give your plant a blast of nitrogen the last few weeks. See how that smokes.
If im using anything chelated i def want to “flush”
If one day science proves this all to be bull fine, i wont risk my health till then. If your giving your herb to others i think you have a moral responsibility to reduce potential harms until you can be sure they dont exist.
I hope that last sentence sinks in..........
What he said ^^^^....


Well-Known Member
Flushing is hogwash.

The correct term is leeching. The process of removing excess salt from soil or grow medium.

Nutrients can not be flushed. Immobile nutrients don't move. Mobile ones move from the leaves to new growth. New growth late flower are buds.

You want great pot. Slow dry. Cure. That's where it's at.

Moisture causes crackling and I've even seen where bud was pollinated late flower and have seeds so small you can't see them. That bud crackled bad.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is hogwash.

The correct term is leeching. The process of removing excess salt from soil or grow medium.

Nutrients can not be flushed. Immobile nutrients don't move. Mobile ones move from the leaves to new growth. New growth late flower are buds.

You want great pot. Slow dry. Cure. That's where it's at.

Moisture causes crackling and I've even seen where bud was pollinated late flower and have seeds so small you can't see them. That bud crackled bad.
Agree 100% hogwash! Just more crazy pot theories ..dip your roots in boiling water why don't you ?

I'm smoking a White Rhino Cross right now and I never flushed it ( I taper ) and it couldn't be any whiter ash

It's all about the dry and cure


Well-Known Member
White ash test ,too many variables. Bone meal used to turn dog turds white.. Its still dog shit.

Still, black crust is an easy identifier of contaminant pot. A joint that looks and feels like a burnt twig after smoking half of it...

Why would anyone have to smoke the shit to tell it's bad though? Lol just put it in a clean pipe and suck. You'll taste either weed, nutes, a combo of both, or nothing at all.

Most people taste nothing at all regardless. Thats all you have to fool right, the average, ignorant masses buying the shit? Anyone who shops at or grows for dispensaries already knows it's better to just pretend you're smoking clean dank than to actually worry about what your smoking or wtf you're tasting/feeling. That 2000ppm is what most people are "getting high" from lol

If you harvest at 50ppm youre on the pro flushing side of the argument,just so you know. The green rush monopoly idiots are feeding all the way til the end, 1200ppm+ and you can smell and taste it. The more nutes the more obvious. The less nutes the more weed smell comes through. No silly ash test required.

My taste buds work, my nose too , don't everyone else's?
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Well-Known Member
Oh and flushing is real you idiots.

Isotonic flushing blocks uptake of nutrients. Thats what your doing smh who the fuck told you to take nutes back out of the soil. Or that flushing the plant takes its nutes away? Flushing takes the SOURCE away, by blocking uptake. All flushing solutions in Cannabis stores are isotonic solutions, they clog the root with sugar to slow uptake of nutes from the medium..

No leaching the soil no moving nutes out of the plant smh smh smh its going to use whats there, stop sending more = flushing! Simple. Why would i rinse out my soil? I ain't smoking it. Why would i put nutes in a plant then move them back out?

Use your brains. Flushing is a thing. There's a reason one study claims pot smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarettes, and another study claims the opposite. One study was done on flushed pot,the other unflushed . I wonder which was which? I mean they give the varying nitrate levels, any correlation I wonder?

How many bottle growers test their weed for heavy metals? No taste buds no worries right?
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Do you recommend R O water? Does that help use up nutrients? Can that cause cal mag lock or does that not matter at this stage?


Well-Known Member
Well, good luck trying to flush heavy metals that cannabis loves to sequester.
Best way to grow your plants is not feeding them anything you don't want to consume in the first place.

If you want to flush use one of the many products on the market. Mostly they are just empty chelates.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Oh and flushing is real you idiots.

Isotonic flushing blocks uptake of nutrients. Thats what your doing smh who the fuck told you to take nutes back out of the soil. Or that flushing the plant takes its nutes away? Flushing takes the SOURCE away, by blocking uptake. All flushing solutions in Cannabis stores are isotonic solutions, they clog the root with sugar to slow uptake of nutes from the medium..

No leaching the soil no moving nutes out of the plant smh smh smh its going to use whats there, stop sending more = flushing! Simple. Why would i rinse out my soil? I ain't smoking it. Why would i put nutes in a plant then move them back out?

Use your brains. Flushing is a thing. There's a reason one study claims pot smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarettes, and another study claims the opposite. One study was done on flushed pot,the other unflushed . I wonder which was which? I mean they give the varying nitrate levels, any correlation I wonder?

How many bottle growers test their weed for heavy metals? No taste buds no worries right?
You gotta chill dude, you're not going to get along very well on rollitup if you're going to call people idiots who disagree with you. Irregardless of which side of the fence you're on. People will do what gives them good results, and it ain't the same for everyone.


Tetrahydrocannabinol is a lipid assumed to assist in defence against insects UV and stress.

Ash composition is a combination of the oxides potassium magnesium heavy metals carbon which is affected by temperature of combustion.

Finishing can use 10k UV A UV B to stress and induce tetrahydrocannabinol defence mechanism. Flushing is further stress as heavy metals and nutrient compounds are consumed and tetrahydrocannabinol defences seek to survive to breed the flowers induce heavy defences tetrahydrocannabinols are employed the trace compounds are consumed it is dried and cured


Well-Known Member
You gotta chill dude, you're not going to get along very well on rollitup if you're going to call people idiots who disagree with you. Irregardless of which side of the fence you're on. People will do what gives them good results, and it ain't the same for everyone.
He isn't new at all, it's another account from trichometry101. Want a good laugh look up some of his posts, he states things like non flushed weed turns hands and feet blue

Isotonic flushing blocks uptake of nutrients. Thats what your doing smh who the fuck told you to take nutes back out of the soil. Or that flushing the plant takes its nutes away? Flushing takes the SOURCE away, by blocking uptake. All flushing solutions in Cannabis stores are isotonic solutions, they clog the root with sugar to slow uptake of nutes from the medium..
Clog the roots with sugar??? Flawless finish= epsom salt


Well-Known Member
Oh and flushing is real you idiots.

Isotonic flushing blocks uptake of nutrients. Thats what your doing smh who the fuck told you to take nutes back out of the soil. Or that flushing the plant takes its nutes away? Flushing takes the SOURCE away, by blocking uptake. All flushing solutions in Cannabis stores are isotonic solutions, they clog the root with sugar to slow uptake of nutes from the medium..

No leaching the soil no moving nutes out of the plant smh smh smh its going to use whats there, stop sending more = flushing! Simple. Why would i rinse out my soil? I ain't smoking it. Why would i put nutes in a plant then move them back out?

Use your brains. Flushing is a thing. There's a reason one study claims pot smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarettes, and another study claims the opposite. One study was done on flushed pot,the other unflushed . I wonder which was which? I mean they give the varying nitrate levels, any correlation I wonder?

How many bottle growers test their weed for heavy metals? No taste buds no worries right?
Bullshit. Flushing just removes it from the medium. That's called leeching.

You can't flush nutrients from a plant. I've explained why which you partly agree to.

It just doesn't work that way.

I'll agree that over feeding to the end has negative effect on taste. That's if you feed to the point of toxicity.

The part about using them up is what I disagree with. Either a nutrinet is mobile or it isn't. If it is it just moves from the yellow leaves to the green bud you are smoking. If the nutrient isn't a mobile one then it doesn't move.

Feeding properly to the end to keep a plant green and healthy doesn't hurt the taste.