Why Use Lucas Method?


Active Member
LUCUS FORMULA CHEAPEST BEST WAY TO GROW. Ive been growing Bubble DWC using the lucus formula, for a long time, with great sucess. I make lucus formula using 7 grams of dry maxibloom to 1 gallon water. Then make sure the res stays under 1200 ppm. I have 6 different strains growing in the same tote. They all love it. Big beasty stalks from lucus. They should call the lucus formula the cloning formula, gives great cloning results when taking cuttings from lucus grown mother plants.


Active Member
LUCUS FORMULA CHEAPEST BEST WAY TO GROW. Ive been growing Bubble DWC using the lucus formula, for a long time, with great sucess. I make lucus formula using 7 grams of dry maxibloom to 1 gallon water. Then make sure the res stays under 1200 ppm. I have 6 different strains growing in the same tote. They all love it. Big beasty stalks from lucus. They should call the lucus formula the cloning formula, gives great cloning results when taking cuttings from lucus grown mother plants.

I do DWC also and I did the same thing for 4 grows with good results. I've since learned a lot more about nutrients and use the GH Flora liquids. With them I can control the N-P-K ratios during the different phases of growth, instead of using a *shotgun* technique. My buds, in this grow for a known strain are almost 2x as large as when I used straight Maxibloom. Just saying, you can do good with a wide range but you do much better when you target specifics.

Mr. Snow

Can someone tell me some information as I will be Vegging for 10 week and Flowering for 10. This is just the way it is, my strain, setup etc.

Is it...
16/8 for Veg, would this apply for a cutting aswel?
8/16 for Flowering

Can I set my PPM/EC to whatever my plants are telling me too?

Also, Is there a set ph as I was thinking of 5.5 - 6.1?



Rebel From The North
Umm you can go 20/4 or 24 or 18/6 for veg
And 12/12 for bloom
Ph should be 5.8 for hydro
Soil 6.5
And 10 weeks for veg is way to long you growing trees or what!