Why Vote Against Republicans?

I don't see the government stepping in and telling me that I can type whatever I want to say right now regarding the uneducated state of mind that you are in. There is no need for the government to get involved, but if I remember recent history correctly the government is currently attempting to forcefully restrict my ability to type whatever I want online at the behest of some one that is probably (remarkably enough) more idiotic than you are.

No they are not.

Because as ignorant as I find you I really don't think that you are going to blow anything up, or try to organize a military attack on our country.

So unless I am wrong you are not in danger of having your words restricted.
No they are not.

Because as ignorant as I find you I really don't think that you are going to blow anything up, or try to organize a military attack on our country.

So unless I am wrong you are not in danger of having your words restricted.

Actually the argument was that I didn't see the government telling me to feel free to type whatever I want, not that I didn't see the government restricting my freedom of speech (I see that on a routine basis.)

The government demonstrates its irrational paranoia daily. No mention of wishing some one would assassinate Obama, the government might detain you, no mention of wishing a terrorist would drive a plane into the Capitol Building and the White House the government might detain you...

While I wouldn't do those things as the lives of the parasitical bacterium that call themselves politicians are not worth the effort it would entail, I do find it absurd that merely talking about it can lead to detention.

Of course, I supposed that as the government has a monopoly on legal force it is horribly preoccuppied with attempting to enforce its monopoly less some group of citizens band together and strip it of its monopoly...